
Fri, Jan


Ste­fano Wright scored a pair of sec­ond-half goals to earn Ply­mouth-based Stoke­ly Vale FC a 4-2 tri­umph against FC Good­wood in the To­ba­go Foot­ball As­so­ci­a­tion’s Na­tion­al Lot­ter­ies Con­trol Board FA Tro­phy fi­nal at the Mt Pleas­ant Recre­ation, Mt Pleas­ant, last Fri­day.

The tour­na­ment’s fairy­tale team, Good­wood, struck as ear­ly as the eighth minute through Mark Agard but then gift­ed Stoke­ly Vale the equalis­er when Clear­ance Ren­nie con­ced­ed an own-goal in the 29th for both teams to go in 1-1 at the half-time whis­tle.

Six min­utes af­ter the restart, Wright got his first to put his Stoke­ly Vale ahead for the first time but Good­wood soon got back on lev­el terms via De­on Thomas in the 58th minute.

Stoke­ly Vale then took to the front again in the 77th minute thanks to L’Che Ed­wards and four min­utes lat­er Wright got his sec­ond to push the lead to 4-2, af­ter which Good­wood strug­gled to mount an­oth­er fight­back.

With the win, Stoke­ly Vale walked away with $25,000 while Good­wood picked up $12,000 for the sec­ond spot.

In the semi­fi­nals at the same venue on Tues­day night, Stoke­ly Vale need­ed a 46th-minute equalis­er from Ed­wards to can­cel out Kean­uo Brath­waite’s 33rd-minute open­er for Carn­bee/Mt Pleas­ant, be­fore ek­ing out a 4-3 penal­ty-kicks win.

And in the sec­ond semi­fi­nal, Kursel Vin­cent banged home a de­ci­sive4 74th-minute item to earn FC Good­wood a 2-1 tri­umph over Sidey’s FC.

De­on Thomas had giv­en FC Good­wood a 1-0 lead in the 47th minute be­fore Pavel War­rick drew Sidey’s lev­el in the 61st, on­ly for Vin­cent to strike and con­tin­ue his team’s fairy-tale run. Be­fore the FA fi­nal, Sidey’s al­so won nar­row­ly over Carn­bee/Mt Pleas­ant in the third-place match 3-2.

Bran­don Ben­jamin and Kyle David­son net­ted in the 21st and three min­utes in­to time added on at the end of the first-half for Sidey’s to lead 2-0.

Ax­el George pulled a goal back for Carn­bee/Mt Pleas­ant in the 52nd, on­ly for Pavel War­rick to re­store Sidey’s two-goal cush­ion in the 66th.

But six min­utes lat­er, Navelle Roach net­ted a sec­ond for Carn­bee/Mt Pleas­ant to get his team with­in one goal again at 2-3. In the end, how­ev­er, Sidey’s held on for the win.

Mean­while, Belle Gar­den FC and Carn­bee/Mt Pleas­ant FC reg­is­tered lop­sided wins when match­es in the To­ba­go Foot­ball As­so­ci­a­tion Pre­mier Di­vi­sion re­sumed on Sun­day with a dou­ble-head­er at Mt Pleas­ant.

In the open­er, Carn­bee/Mt Pleas­ant FC ham­mered Lam­beau FC 5-0 with a goal each from Darielle Al­leyne (11th), Tyrese Sandy (29th), Ka­reem Agard (31st penal­ty), Lester Roberts (37th penal­ty) and Ax­el George (75th) to im­prove to 34 points from 19 match­es, four adrift of Stoke­ly Vale and Sig­nal Hill.

In the oth­er matchup, Hen­son Charles banged in six goals in the 29th, 51st, 55th, 66th, 80th and 87th min­utes in Belle Gar­den’s 10-4 blast­ing of Bethel Unit­ed.

Chris­t­ian Job added a pair of goals for Belle Gar­den (31st & 84th) while Tyreece Tay­lor (70th) and Dil­lon Vil­lafana (77th) al­so net­ted in the win as they al­so moved to 34 points, but from 18 match­es, in­to fifth.

The quar­tet of Nick­o­las Smart (sev­enth), Tirel Chad­band (ninth), Tur­rel James (19th) and Ke­ston Dun­can (40th) got the goals for Bethel Unit­ed, who re­mained 13th with 13 points, the same at FC Good­wood.

Fri­day’s re­sults

FA Fi­nal:

PLY­MOUTH STOKE­LY VALE 4 (Ste­fan Wright 51st, 81st, Clear­ance Ren­nie 29th o.g, L’Che Ed­wards 77th) v FC GOOD­WOOD 2 (Mark Agard 8th, De­on Thomas 58th)

hird place: SIDEY’S FC 3 (Bran­don Ben­jamin 21st, Kyle David­son 45th, Pavel War­rick 66th) v CARN­BEE/MT PLEAS­ANT 2 (Ax­el George 52nd, Navelle Roach 72nd)

Pre­mier Di­vi­sion:

Oc­to­ber 27

CARN­BEE/MT PLEAS­ANT FC 5 (Darielle Al­leyne 11th, Tyrese Sandy 29th, Ka­reem Agard 31st pen, Lester Roberts 37th pen, Ax­el George 75th) v LAM­BEAU FC 0

BELLE GAR­DEN FC 10 (Hen­son Charles 29th, 51st, 55th, 66th, 80th, 87th, Chris­t­ian Job 31st, 84th, Tyreece Tay­lor 70th, Dil­lon Vil­lafana 77th) v BETHEL UNIT­ED 4 (Nick­o­las Smart 7th, Tirel Chad­band 9th, Tur­rel James 19th, Ke­ston Dun­can 40th)

Up­com­ing match­es: Tuesday

Gold­en Lane vs Sidey’s FC, Good­wood, 5.30 pm

Lak­ers v Ma­son Hall PYC, Riv­er Bank, 5.30 pm

Black Rock v St Clair Coach­ing School, Ply­mouth, 5.30 pm

Geor­gia FC v Calder Hall, Riv­er Bank, 7.30 pm

Thurs­day (Oc­to­ber 31)

Bethel Unit­ed vs Lam­beau FC, Sig­nal Hill, 5.30 pm

Sig­nal Hill vs Carn­bee/Mt Pleas­ant, Mt Pleas­ant, 5.30 pm

Leeds Unit­ed vs Belle Gar­den, Mt Pleas­ant, 7.30 pm

Sidey’s vs Stoke­ly Vale, Good­wood, 5.30 pm

Cur­rent Pre­mier Di­vi­sion Stand­ings

Teams   P   W   D   L   F   A   Pts
1. Stoke­ly Vale   16   11   5   0   53   8   38
2. Sig­nal Hill   18   12   2   4   62   21   38
3. Sidey’s FC   16   11   2   3   48   19   35
4. Carn­bee/Mt Pleas­ant   19   11   1   7   50   34   34
5. Belle Gar­den   18   11   1   6   41   33   34
6. Geor­gia Utd   17   9   6   2   40   15   33
7. Leeds Utd   15   10   2   3   43   15   32
8. Roxborough Lak­ers   18   10   1   7   37   24   31
9. Calder Hall   15   9   0   6   35   27   27
10. Black Rock   19   7   5   7   33   34   26
11. Gold­en Lane   16   6   5   5   43   22   23
12. FC Good­wood   16   4   1   11   20   29   13
13. Bethel Unit­ed   19   4   1   14   28   67   13
14. St Clair C.S   19   3   2   14   19   82   11
15. Ma­son Hall PYC   18   3   1   14   21   57   10
16. Lam­beau FC   18   1   0   17   12   94   4