
Tue, Jun


Charlotteville Unifiers wasted an opportunity to occupy the pole position in the Tobago Football Association Premier Division League Championship tournament.

A victory against Roxborough Lakers would have kicked Stokely Vale off the pole position, which they have held since the start of the season.

Supporters and well-wishers were baffled to see Charlotteville start such an important game in their quest for championship honours short and Lakers made them pay.

Ten minutes into the game at the Richmond recreation ground, Dyke Reid scored a beauty to open the scoring and they extended the lead to two-nil before the end of the half, courtesy a well-placed shot from Shamir Reid. Charlotteville eventually had their full compliment of players about 15 minutes into the game. On the resumption, Charlotteville who were now at full strength took the fight to their opponents and though they pressed for long periods they just could not breech the stubborn Lakers defence.

The game became more physical in the latter stages, as frustrated by their inability to score the goals, the Charlotteville players became more aggressive, resulting in one player being sent off and Charlotteville back where they started, with 10 men.

Lakers eventually sealed the issue when Kern Harris found the back of the net with a bullet.

Though the defending champions hold a one point lead at the top, they can ill afford to slip up against their remaining opponents, Mega Brite Bethel United, Castara Retreat Goal City and Pepsi Hill United, who on their best day can be a handful. On the other hand, Charlotteville, once they keep their focus should have little problems in winning their last two games against neighbours Sidey's FC and Earl Brookes.

Scores - Roxborough Lakers 3 - Dyke Reid 2, Affiba McKenna 1 - Mason Hall PYC 0; Charlotteville Unifiers 4 - Kevern Murphy 1, Kevorn Martin 1, Cher Burris 1, Kervin McKenna 1 - Mega Brite Bethel United 1-Downie Marshal 1; Castara Retreats Goal City 5 - Kasron Quashie 2, Jessie Henry 1, Kenyon Manswell 1, Kayode Legall 1 - Pepsi Hill United 2-Kareem Campbell 1, Donnel Wills 1; Stokely Vale 1, Keno Kerr - St Clair Coaching School 1, Keon Price 1; Georgia FC 0 - Sidey's FC 0; Roxborough Lakers 3, Dyke Reid 2, Shamir Reid 1, Kern Harris 1 - Charlotteville Unifiers 0.