
Sun, Jul


Raymond 'Finey' Alleyne has been installed as chairman of an interim committee selected to manage the affairs of the Tobago Football Association (TFA) until a constitutionally elected body is elected.

At an Extra Ordinary General Council Meeting convened at the VIP Lounge, Dwight Yorke Stadium last Saturday, the representatives present, (nine out of 27 affiliates) unanimously supported the vote of no confidence moved by Tony Antoine from Hills United and seconded by George Joseph from St Clair Coaching School, resulting in the appointment of the interim committee.

The other members are Kerry Lynch, Terry Williams, 1976 Phoenix head coach, Anthony Antoine and Allan James, the General Secretary from the executive that the vote of no confidence was moved on.

The dilemma in the TFA which started some weeks ago when the hard-working president Harvey Jack decided to throw in the towel because of the non-functioning of three of the elected members and call a bye-election has hopefully being amicably solved.

However, they now have to wait on the blessings from the Trinidad and Tobago Football Federation who had requested the bye-election be put on hold until they were apprised of all the facts leading to the situation. Jack explained that while they did respond to the Federation's request by sending them the relevant information and putting the bye-election on hold, they decided to try and put their house in order on their own.

He added that while he may have erred in calling a snap election and then a bye-election, he is convinced the solution of convening the Extra Ordinary General Council Meeting and the vote of no confidence is constitutional and the Federation will accept this solution.

The interim committee chaired by Alleyne convened their first meeting last Sunday, the day following their appointment.