
Fri, Sep

Beaten TTFA candidate weighs T-League role.

Beat­en pres­i­den­tial can­di­date in the re­cent T&T Foot­ball As­so­ci­a­tion’s gen­er­al elec­tion, Richard Fer­gu­son, is set to join forces with the new William Wal­lace-led ad­min­is­tra­tion in the area of fi­nance.

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Hospedales: Major bodies had different T-League views.

OWNER OF Pro League club San Juan Jabloteh, Jerry Hospedales, said the failure of the proposed T-League to get going was due to the differing views between the Pro League and Super League. Last Wednesday, the Pro League announced their desire to start their 2019-2020 season, since there was no official decision over whether or not the T-League would have commenced this year.

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Photo: Police FC right back Kaydion Gabriel (right) tries to escape from Matura ReUnited midfielder Russel Alfred during Ascension Invitational action at the Police Academy in St James on 3 August 2019. Gabriel usually represents Central FC in the Pro League competition. (Copyright Allan V Crane/CA-images/Wired868)

Commission member and Central FC managing director Brent Sancho has reiterated that the proposed ‘T-League’ competition—the much-touted Trinidad and Tobago Football Association-run domestic competition that seeks to unify the Pro League and Trinidad and Tobago Super League (TTSL) competitions—will not clash with the ongoing Ascension Invitational Tournament.

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