
Wed, Jul

Since the day of achiev­ing the chal­lenge to com­pete in the CON­CA­CAF World Cup qual­i­fy­ing se­ries, most fans were look­ing for­ward to the qual­i­ty of play which we saw in Ja­maica could be raised in or­der to meet and beat USA, Mex­i­co, af­ter tak­ing their three points from Pana­ma in the open­er.

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Women football saga must never happen again.

Minister Cudjoe warns TTFA, players…

SHAMFA CUDJOE, Minister of Sport and Youth Affairs, has issued a warning to both the TT Football Association (TTFA) and the national women footballers that the recent scenario involving both parties must never happen again.

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Cooper appointed women’s team coach.

TTFA requests $$ for pre-tournament camp as…

THE TT Football Association (TTFA) have made a request for a pre-tournament camp for the national women’s football team, ahead of the CONCACAF Women’s Championship, which will take place in the United States from October 4-17.

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It’s been a long wait for Trinidad and Tobago, but finally they have an opportunity to cast aside some demons. T&T, who are known affectionately as the Soca Princesses, dominated their two-match intercontinental play-off against Ecuador four years ago, but somehow slipped up after conceding a decisive last-minute goal to miss qualification for their first-ever FIFA Women’s World Cup™.

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The Honourable Shamfa Cudjoe, Minister of Sport and Youth Affairs, along with senior officials of the Ministry, met today with Mr. David John-Williams, President of the Trinidad and Tobago Football Association (TTFA) and other members of the TTFA at the Ministry’s Head Office, St. Clair Avenue, Port of Spain.

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It seems like a case of déjà vu for the se­nior na­tion­al women foot­ballers. Four years ago, a few days be­fore the start of the CON­CA­CAF World Cup qual­i­fiers for the 2015 FI­FA World Cup in Cana­da, out of frus­tra­tion the then coach Randy Wal­drum plead­ed with the TTFA to show his play­ers re­spect. He tweet­ed “I need HELP! T&T sent a team here last night with $500 to­tal. No equip­ment such as balls, no trans­porta­tion from the air­port to the ho­tel, noth­ing.” Wal­drum's re­sponse/re­ac­tion or 'emo­tion­al dis­tur­bance' was brought about by ad­min­is­tra­tive blun­ders by the TTFA. The Hait­ian team pro­vid­ed tem­po­rary re­lief by do­nat­ing US$ 1300.00 to the na­tion­al team to meet ba­sic needs such as food and trans­porta­tion.

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The Honourable Shamfa Cudjoe, Minister of Sport and Youth Affairs along with senior officials of the Ministry met today with General Secretary of the Trinidad and Tobago Football Association (TTFA), Mr. Justin Latapy-George and Ms. Jinelle James, Manager of the Women’s National Football Team, in light of the recent claims circulating on Social Media in relation to the lack of support shown to the Trinidad and Tobago Senior Women’s Football Team.

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