
Fri, Jan

Attin-Johnson, Mollon in provisional squad.

Strik­er Maylee At­tin-John­son and mid­field­er Ah­keela Mol­lon have both been draft­ed in­to a pro­vi­sion­al 35-woman squad ahead of the CON­CA­CAF Women's Cham­pi­onship that will be used as a qual­i­fi­er for the FI­FA Women's World Cup in France next year.

The girls were added to the squad in the midst of con­cerns there may not be enough play­ers to don the red, white and black for T&T at the qual­i­fiers to take place on Oc­to­ber 4-17 in the Unit­ed States.

How­ev­er, it is not con­firmed if the two will be part of the fi­nal team, but a mem­ber of the staff of the team that guid­ed the women's team to sec­ond place be­hind Ja­maica at the re­cent Caribbean Foot­ball Union (CFU) Qual­i­fiers in Kingston Ja­maica, said it was wise to in­clude them on the squad just in case they de­cide to show an in­ter­est to play.

"If they agree to play then we would have their names in al­ready, but if we did not put their names and they agree to play then it would have been a prob­lem," the staff mem­ber, who did not want to be iden­ti­fied ex­plained. The pro­vi­sion­al squad was cho­sen last week in the midst of des­per­ate ef­forts to chose a coach for the team.

An­ton Corneal was care­tak­er coach of the team fol­low­ing the res­ig­na­tion of Ja­maal Shabazz al­most two months ago. But with his con­tract ex­pir­ing at the end of the CFU qual­i­fiers, and monies owed to him by the T&T Foot­ball As­so­ci­a­tion (TTFA), Corneal has de­cid­ed to with­hold his ser­vices un­til pay­ments for three months salaries, as well as oth­er monies owed to him re­lat­ing to his con­trac­tu­al agree­ment, are paid.

Mean­while, mem­bers of the TTFA Board of Di­rec­tors have al­so raised an is­sue with the le­gal­i­ty of Richard Quan Chan's po­si­tion as Chair­man of the Tech­ni­cal Com­mit­tee. An An­nu­al Gen­er­al Meet­ing of the TTFA on June 30 this year, did not con­tain a quo­rum and there­fore the elec­tion of a tech­ni­cal com­mit­tee chair­man was not made, Kei­th Look Loy, a Board mem­ber told Guardian Me­dia Sports.

Mean­time, Shawn Coop­er, who was an as­sis­tant coach to Corneal in Ja­maica, has been the front-run­ner for the job, de­spite chal­lenges from Hait­ian coach Stephan De Four and James Baird, the for­mer Guaya Unit­ed coach for the top job.

Be­fore the CFU qual­i­fiers, the team faced is­sues of play­ers not be­ing in T&T to train, play­ers un­able to re­turn for the CON­CA­CAF Cham­pi­onship as they were at schools in the USA and con­cerns about in­juries, among oth­ers.

Trinidad and Tobago Women’s Provisional Squad


Kimika Forbes, K’lil Keshwar, Saundra Baron;


Arin King, Ayana Russell, Danielle Blair, Jenelle Cunningham, Jonelle Cato, Khadisha Debesette, Lauryn Hutchinson, Natisha John, Patrice Superville, Rhea Belgrave, Anastasia Prescott;


Janine Francois, Karyn Forbes, Maylee Attin-Johnson, Naomie Guerra, Victoria Swift, Liana Hinds;

Attacking Midfielders:

Ahkeela Mollon, Dernelle Mascall, Summer Arjoon, Tasha St Louis, Kedie Johnson;


Kayla Taylor, Aaliyah Prince, Dennecia Prince, Kennya Cordner, Mariah Shade, Natasha St Louis, Tsaianne Leander.

Women’s Concacaf Championship Groups

Group A: 

USA, Mexico, Trinidad and Tobago, Panama;

Group B: 

Canada, Jamaica, Costa Rica Cuba.