
Fri, Feb



Day 9: April 5, 2008

Everybody seemed to be OK this morning at breakfast after last night's unfortunate tie.  After breakfast we had a team meeting to talk about what would happen now that we tied Costa Rica.  Although we knew that game should've been a win in our favor, we could now only hope that Canada would beat Costa Rica by more than 6 goals.  If Canada beat Costa Rica by exactly 6, our fate would be left up to the flip of a coin. With all these outcomes running through our heads we still had to wait a whole day for the game would not be played until Sunday.

 Today was also considered a recovery day due to a number of injuries on the team.  Several girls were instructed to take ice-baths in the tub in our room so it was quite funny hearing them scream when getting into the cold water. After lunch we were told to get in groups of 6 and to go to the gym for a 10 minute workout on either the treadmill, bike, or elliptical.  to ease our minds and have some fun we were taken to a flee market to walk around and get souvenirs if we pleased. They had some really interesting works of art in the flee market and everybody seemed to leave having bought something. Our next stop was a mall which we spent about an hour or more in just walking around.  Again we took several pictures and signed autographs for all who asked. It was an enjoyable time out and I think it helped us girls keep our minds off of the games. We spent a good 4 or 5 hours away from the hotel and ordered pizza when we got back.  When we finally finished eating everyone went their separate ways and got comfortable. Ria and I spent our time watching a movie with ten of our teammates in one of the rooms.  We pushed the two beds together and watched "1408" on a lap top. That night we stayed up later than usual because for one there was a time change (time moved ahead an hour) and two no one seemed ready to sleep with all thoughts of tomorrow's game running through our heads.  Only time would tell our Olympic qualifying fate.


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