
Sat, Jul


“We are going to qualify for the WWC2015. We are going to make T&T proud. We are determined to give this story a happy ending.” – Dernell Mascall

It is difficult to even begin deciding on where to start in speaking about the unfortunate situation that unfolded with the T&T Women’s Football team earlier this week.

 There are so many issues at hand. They include the following:

Poor planning and management on the part of the TTFA
The fact that the proposal for funds was never even submitted to the Ministry of Sport
The fact that the TTFA is yet to confess to the T&T public its mistake and apologize as such
The fact that no one will pay for yet another embarrassing misstep by the TTFA
The usual disregard for women in sport
The embarrassment of a country

But while we lament the unfortunate situation, the mood in Texas is this: “The harder the battle the sweeter the victory, and we are determined to make a happy ending out of this messed up story.” – Maria Shade.

The local team has a better chance than they have ever had of qualifying for the 2015 Fifa Women’s World Cup to be staged in Canada, thanks to the expansion of the World Cup from 16 to 24 teams which has given the CONCACAF region an extra automatic qualifying spot, and with hosts and top 10-ranked Canada not needing to qualify, T&T’s chances at reaching next year’s World Cup is a real possibility. If T&T can beat Canada and Guatemala, while holding off the US, who they face first up on October 15, they will make it into the top four of the CONCACAF Women’s Championships, of which the top three automatically qualify for the World Cup, while the fourth-placed team will still have a shot if they can best a South American team in a play-off.

And, with that in mind, despite the obstacles they are now faced with, the T&T Women’s Soca Warriors are determined to stay focus and produce a Cinderella story that can hopefully eclipse TTFA incompetence.

Firstly, I would like to commend the players who have chosen to speak out at last, because there is no shortage of national athletes who deal with this sort of situation on a very regular basis, but, due to fear of ending their careers, choose to stay quiet. As a journalist, I am all too familiar with this. I am familiar with the stories which lie bulging under the surface, but are subdued and contained by fear and equal passion for the game. I am familiar with athletes who are made to suffer in silence, because they fear never making a national team again. As a journalist, it is often painful, to not write about these things out of respect and understanding for these players.

“This situation has given transparency to the issues we women footballers face,” explained Dernelle Mascall. “In all honesty the situation is embarrassing to say the least. And we did hang our heads for a bit. It is never a good feeling to be taken for granted. And as Coach Randy stated; We deserve better. Unfortunately this is the reality we’re faced with time and time again. Not only for the Women Soca Warriors but national athletes on a whole.”

Fortunately, in this situation, Randy Waldrum, the volunteer coach of the women’s team, had absolutely nothing to lose and all to gain in making the TTFA’s incompetence public. And finally, at least one team’s plight has been made public. And, as Mascall explains, despite the embarrassment, it has proven to be quite positive in the end.

“A lot of good things came out of this situation; the outpouring of love and generosity is unreal,” explained the midfielder. “We even had Haiti make donations and Jamaica’s captain sending words of encouragement. The support here in Texas from local Caribbean groups; we can’t thank them all enough. It shows the power of the sport and the football/soccer family.”

Her team mate, Shade concurred that the support has indeed been overwhelming and the team is grateful for both Waldrum’s stand and the support they have been receiving. “If our coach didn’t do what he did, we would probably still be wondering where food, water and Gatorade would be coming from. Since his tweets went out we have been getting overwhelming support from the people of Texas. They are bringing loads of stuff for us like water, fruits, Gatorade, snacks and so much more. People are even donating financially through a website that he set up. We had people coming almost every hour with car loads of supplies for us. Yes the Federation was embarrassed but sometimes that is what is needed for them to wake up. Coach made a stand for us and we as players support him 100%,” said Shade.

In Texas at the moment, there is a team roaring and ready to go. There is a team that according to Shade and Mascall, are in very high spirits and still confident that they can qualify for their very first World Cup after being together for over a decade some of them. The experience Shade and Mascall shared, has only served to make the team stronger.

“I tip my hat to the team members for enduring such things throughout the years. It shows where our heart truly is and all of us share that same passion,” said Shade. “We see all these challenges as an opportunity to grow stronger as a team. We have been through so much now that nothing can shake us or break us, we are determined to have a happy ending,” the T&T striker explained.

“We are very confident and our hopes are still high going into the tournament. We knew what we came here for and by GOD’S Grace and Strength we will accomplish it. Yes, it has been overwhelming but at the same time this is our best chance to qualify and we are focused and ready to fight for that spot.”

And, like Shade, Mascall recommends that fans begin booking their tickets to the World Cup, because her team has every intention of qualifying and are even more determined to do so now. “Despite the emotional battle, we know opportunities such as this only come once in a lifetime.” she said. “This situation has only made us more cohesive  and with this outpouring of love and support, we will not be impeded by anyone or anything. We are going to qualify for the WWC2015. We are going to make T&T proud. We are determined to give this story a happy ending.”