
Wed, Jul



AHKEELA MOLLON was unable to breathe and was rushed away by ambulance, while goalkeeper Kimika Forbes sobbed uncontrollably after conceding the goal which ended Trinidad and Tobago’s dreams of qualifying for the 2015 FIFA Women’s World Cup.

Distraught captain Maylee Attin-Johnson was the only one composed enough to speak immediately after the match. But, barely. “It’s like a nightmare for me right now,” the captain admitted. “I had already planned on going to the World Cup. I can’t say what (comes) next.”

Attin-Johnson acknowledged that many of her teammates were gutted after the defeat and promised to have a long talk with 23-year-old goalie Kimika Forbes, who was crying inconsolably for hours after her misjudgment led to Ecuador’s winning goal.

Attin-Johnson felt the talented keeper had a very bright future ahead. “Kimika is a very passionate player. So, it very hard to calm her down at this monent,” Attin-Johnson said. “Kimika and they have sacrificed a lot. They have been through the good, the bad, and the indifferent.”

The Women Warriors captain felt that though they had accomplished much, by getting to the point where they could qualify, that they still fell short.

“We still did not accomplish what we set out to accomplish. We are very much disappointed in ourselves,”she said. “Goals win matches. We were not able to put away ours. They (Ecuador) got one chance and put away their own. So, it was a bit unfortunate.”

“For some reason the ball wasn’t going into the back of that net. We got a lot of chances, we didn’t put it away. They got one and scored,” the T&T women’s captain lamented.