
Fri, Feb

TTFA declares - No Women's coach appointed.

The T&T Foot­ball As­so­ci­a­tion has sought to clear the air on re­ports that Unit­ed States-based coach Stephan De Four was ap­point­ed as coach of the coun­try's Se­nior Women, Un­der-20 and Un­der-17 foot­ball teams.

Cir­cu­lat­ing re­ports which sug­gests that De Four has been ap­point­ed ap­pear to have an­gered T&TFA Board mem­bers which in­cludes Su­san Joseph-War­rick, pres­i­dent of Women's Foot­ball League (WoLF).

To­geth­er with Kei­th Look Loy, the T&T Su­per League's rep­re­sen­ta­tive on the Board, both are claim­ing they were un­aware of the ap­point­ment.

De Four, it is un­der­stood, has al­ready called up Dar­rel Mar­celle as his as­sis­tant, and has been scout­ing oth­er po­ten­tial coach­es to fill staffing po­si­tions on his tech­ni­cal staff.

It is al­so re­port­ed that Andy Sa­landy and Earl ‘Spi­der­man’ Carter, both said to be ap­proached to fill as­sis­tant coach­ing po­si­tions, while Kendall Reyes is set to be De Four's tech­ni­cal ad­vi­sor.

But Guardian Me­dia Sports un­der­stands that all prospec­tive can­di­dates for the coach­ing jobs will have to be will­ing to work for free.

Yes­ter­day, the em­bat­tled foot­ball as­so­ci­a­tion in a re­lease said- "Please be ad­vised that the TTFA has not em­ployed any­one ei­ther con­trac­tu­al­ly or oth­er­wise in the role of Na­tion­al Head Coach for our Girls Un­der 17 and Un­der 20 teams. The ac­tiv­i­ties of any­one per­pet­u­at­ing oth­er­wise are there­fore not con­duct­ed un­der the aus­pices, nor in­struc­tion of the TTFA."

Look Loy and oth­er mem­bers of the Board will to­day ad­dress is­sues sur­round­ing the al­leged ap­point­ment at a press con­fer­ence at 10 am at the Ho­tel Nor­mandie in St Ann's.

It is un­der­stood TTFA pres­i­dent, David John-Williams, in an im­me­di­ate re­sponse said: “Dis­cus­sions have been held with Mr De Four re­gard­ing his per­son­al terms as we dis­cussed at the last board meet­ing, but noth­ing of­fi­cial has been made yet by the Board or the Emer­gency Com­mit­tee.”