
Fri, Feb


The Cen­tral Foot­ball As­so­ci­a­tion (CFA) League will kick off on Sat­ur­day with two new teams Self Made En­ter­tain­ment Ti­tans and Latchu Trace Youths FC will be among a list of 11 teams that will bat­tle for brag­ging rights and a $15,000 win­ner's cheque.

The new­com­ers have re­placed Re­al Cen­tral, which have strug­gled to pro­vide a team this year, and long-serv­ing mem­bers Leeds FC, af­ter its chief cook and bot­tle­wash­er An­tho­ny Job had surgery on his eye ear­li­er this year.

The tour­na­ment gets go­ing from 7 pm on Sat­ur­day with last year's FA Cup champs Com­padres FC tak­ing on new­com­ers Self Made at the St Mary's Recre­ation Ground, Freeport.

Match­es will con­tin­ue on Tues­day with Ea­gles Unit­ed up against Latchu Trace from the same time (7 pm). How­ev­er, 2018 League and Hugo Fran­cis Cup win­ners Cen­tral Soc­cer World will have to wait un­til Fri­day (Oc­to­ber 4) to take the field against Self Made, 7 pm at Cal­i­for­nia Ground.

The win­ner of the league will take home $15,000, with $7,000 for the run­ner-up and $5,000 for third. The fourth-place team will walk away with $2,000.

The Hugo Fran­cis Cup, how­ev­er, will be a win­ner-takes-all $10,000 cash award, while the FA Cup play-off will see a cash re­ward of $10,000 for first, $5,000 for sec­ond and $3,000 for the team com­ing third.

This year or­ga­niz­ers of the CFA have in­tro­duced a Big Four play-off to add to the oth­er com­pe­ti­tions- the FA Cup, League and the Hugo Fran­cis Cup. For the Big 4, which will come from the top four teams in the League, on­ly the win­ners will re­ceive fi­nan­cial ben­e­fits.

Yes­ter­day, Clynt Tay­lor, gen­er­al sec­re­tary of cen­tral foot­ball, said on­ly the 15 play­ers from the win­ning big 4 team will be giv­en a $300 cash in­cen­tive each, from the spon­sor, which will be named soon.

Ac­cord­ing to Tay­lor, the three-mem­ber coach­ing staff of the win­ning team will al­so get $500 each.