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Just touching on a few pointers here, after yesterdays performance in Mexico I believe we can qualify for Germany. I would even go as far as saying with a little luck we could claim 3rd spot, 4th for the least. For instance, two wins (Guatemala & Panama) two draws (Costa Rica & USA) and one loss (Mexico) could take us there.

I have not seen the Warriors in action since head coach Leo Beenhakker took over the team and, I must admit that I was truly impressed to see a difference in the T&T team, a well improved one. I never thought changes could come in such a short space of time since Mr. Leo Beenhakker and his Staff took over.

I based my view on a team like Mexico who is rated in the top 10 in the world and has an almost 100% home record, a team that is technically gifted and a great balance of players. Before, I couldn’t judge T&T because of the opponents we faced (Bermuda and Panama) to name a few, but now seeing them on the world stage I feel confident in their ability and our coaching staff. Even though Panama was a good test, they didn’t have a plan they were lacking technically.

Kelvin Jack: As Andre Samuel pointed out in a previous report, I concur that Jack needs to be more demanding in his area, he did make a telling one hand save in the second half, however I believe he could have stopped the second goal. Nonetheless he did ok. Ince may still be around and having two good keepers on the team will only bring out the best in either one.

David Atiba Charles: Did his job well, a player who has been on the up, his pace and over lapping skills makes him special, he did his job against Mexico, stayed with his man and distributed the ball to midfield in a timely manner.

Marvin Andrews: Hold the central defense well and played with true heart, won some important air balls, both him and Lawrence combined well.

Dennis Lawrence: No doubt Lawrence has improved, he seems confident, willing to take on players and joined the attack if needed. His die-hard approach is turning him into a main stay on the T&T team, he also made some un-seen foul on Borgetti that saved us.

Avery John: My man of the match, it still puzzle me to know why he wasn’t considered under our former coach Bertille St Clair in any of our qualifiers. Avery saved us from conceding an early goal after Jack was beaten and Mexican striker (Jared Borgetti) took an instep shot on goal only for Avery John to come up big and blocked the ball from going in. He made some excellent stops, he stayed with his man and he has the speed to recovery.

Carlos Edwards: Did good, but I believe he has lost a little of his crossing ability, and he takes forever to close down his man. His escorting players tactics cost us the first goal after failing to tackle a Mexican player in the box. He is still a great player and might be our best bet on the right, but work must be done.

Chris “Beckham” Birchall: Had a quiet 20 minutes in the first half, but came into the game and fought hard, he made some passing errors (very few times) one that almost cost us (thank God it didn’t) because it might have affected him mentally, knowing the fact that he’s inexperience, but he did great with tackles and tracking back, he even had a shot blocked and Stern John was un-able to tap in the rebound. He is definitely a main stay on the T&T team, he his growing in experience and his attitude is very likeable, he does the simple things, knowing the fundamentals is very important and he seems to have that down-pack.

Aurtis Whitley: I was expecting a little more, I think he takes to long to settle in, maybe its because of his in-experience at this level, or because of the injury he sustained. At times there was little miscommunication which resulted in very little movement off the ball but the few touches he had looked great.

Densill Theobald: Waste on the left wing, he should have been subbed earlier or moved to the center of midfield. Still not a bad player and made a crucial tackle one time in the game that could have lead to a goal for Mexico.

Dwight Yorke: His attitude and his work rate is very high at the moment, he shows true leadership qualities, made some telling passes, I would still like to see him up-front with players like Jones maybe Glen as his style will be enhanced by both Glen and Jones style and could bring out the Dwight we all know, I am sure he has not lost his clinical finishing and, please, please leave the free kicks to Beckham, but Dwight deserve to be captain and still have a touch of class.

Stern John: Made one, possibly two good pass for the whole game, I am shocked and amazed how he was once such a talented striker and dubbed one of the deadliest finisher in concacaf, Stern has lost it totally, in his defense, I hope it his fitness and not his natural ability, why do we wait so long to shot the dam ball. Playing a tactical game is one thing, but if you cant create the offensive opportunities then as you can see the end result. Kenwyne Jones was missed both Jones and Glen would have light up Mexico as subs.

Brent Rahim: Came on and did very well, had a nice shot on goal that almost took a deflection and went in, our new coach is brining out the best in some players. We have to face USA at the UCONN field in Connecticut a place where Brent made his name, lets hope he gets his chance to bring back some of his old time days. I hope he’s not suspended for that game as he received a yellow yesterday along with Dennis, Avery and Aurtis.

Hector Sam and Gary Glasgow did ok, but I cant say much as both players came in a little to late. I think Beenhakker made two good subs just the timing was a little off as both Sam and Glasgow should have came in earlier seeing that Beenhakker was trying to score and get back into the game. Birchall looked tired but he should not have been subbed as he was still doing good on the field, Stern John should have been subbed instead.

According to what Patriot post earlier on saying that Lincoln Phillips says we need a fast forward and a defensive midfielder then I would try Leslie Fitzpatrick and Anthony Rougier in that position, Glen and Sealy might help up front. I am sure if Rougier gets regular playing time he might get back to his best, he’s not that old and should get a looked at again. Maybe Collin Samuel can help us on the left wing. Silvio Spann I would not play as a defensive midfielder, he seems a more center midfielder like Theobald, in the Costa Rica game Spann did make some important tackles but the few through ball passes he made almost lead us to score. I might even touch on saying that Angus Eve and Arnold Dwarika should be involved in some part of the team, maybe for the Gold Cup, their experience and style is remarkable, good players to have on the bench.