
Tue, Jun


National beach soccer player Chad Appoo is currently nursing a ruptured ACL but has not given up hope on representing this country as the CONCACAF Beach Soccer final round of qualifying later this year.

Appoo, a former St Mary’s college player, was involved in the Lucayan Cup Challenge in Bahamas last year when T&T defeated powerhouse Mexico and Bahamas to win the tournament. He also has experience playing in the Swiss Beach Soccer League with top club Swiss Chargers.

Appoo spoke about the national team’s preparations for the World Cup campaign, saying “The support from the Association has been tremendous, they took us under their umbrella and we’ve been provided with training gear and equipment.”

“The preparations have been progressive, the coaching staff is always on the look out for new talent and the players welcome the new competition as well. Hopefully, we can get some more International matches (like the Lucayan Cup) in before the next qualifiers.

“Two years from now I hope to have helped Trinidad and Tobago qualify for its first ever Beach Soccer World Cup. Also, for me I’d like to return to Europe and play in a couple of leagues there.,” Appoo ended.