
Tue, Jun


NATIONAL BEACH soccer custodian, Zane Coker, continues to make waves for his team BSC Bienne Hatchets at the Suzuki Beach Soccer League in Switzerland.

Coker is back playing with the dominant Swiss club on his second stint since the club retained his services for their 2016 campaign. Over the weekend, Coker surpassed his goal for the season by scoring twice in one match. The headline on the club’s website read ‘The Zane Coker Show in Winterthur’.

“Zane is playing the both divisions (Premiership and Challenge) there, they are fifth in the Premiership and won their first game in the Challenge division,” Narada Wilson, Coker’s agent stated. The goalkeeper in 2015 helped BSC Hatchets finish sixth and third, in the Premiership and Challenge divisions respectively.

“Our goals this year are top three finishes in both divisions and for me personally, to scored more than one goal,” Coker said.

This year the Ministry of Sports assisted a few beach soccer players — the likes of Chad Appoo headed to Italy, while Ryan Augustine and Victor Thomas headed to Coker’s rivals BSC Chargers.

“It’s good to see the Ministry assisting these players, it will benefit the National Beach Soccer programme for the 2017 campaign,” Wilson closed.