
Tue, Jul


A 90-minute meeting between Jack Warner and his English attorneys over the damning Concacaf report yesterday has left the former national security minister in an upbeat mood.

The meeting between Warner and his battery of attorneys was held yesterday at the Centre of Excellence, Macoya, 15 days after David Simmons presented Concacaf’s congress in Panama with a detailed report into allegations of financial mismanagement by Warner.

In a telephone interview yesterday, Warner confirmed the meeting. The attorneys, Warner said, have analysed the report. “I remain very upbeat and believe me, I mean this literally, I am very upbeat.” Warner said “one can not understand how others could have come to any conclusion as they have come to.”

More will be revealed to the public in due course, Warner said. Warner resigned as National Security minister and UNC party chairman, as well as Chaguanas West MP, following the disclosure of the report which found he was fraudulent in his management of Concacaf as the organisation’s president.