
Tue, Jul


Ricarda Nelson, one of the participants representing Morvant Caledonia United at the recent Fifa Solidarity Contribution and Training Compensation Workshop hosted by the T&TFA, has said that she came out of the forum much wiser on the benefits of developing players and exporting them to foreign teams.

Nelson, a former national women’s team player and current National Under 15 Women’s Team manager, was among a host of attendees at the workshop which was conducted by Germans Jan Schweele and Georg Froese. Their presentation  was aimed at educating local club members on what benefits can be derived from developing young players and selling them to bigger clubs on the international market.

“This was a very valuable exercise for us. There was a lot of new information on matters we did not know about previously. For instance, we always wondered what benefits a club like W Connection would get from a transfer deal of a player like Kenwyne Jones,” Nelson said.

All clubs aim to become better and a lot of effort goes into preparation and developing players. And we have had instances where players go out but not much comes back to the club and now we know the formalities that can help us attain what is owed to clubs. I think this was a great initiative that will put the clubs in a better position in the future,”  Nelson added.

Local clubs will have the opportunity to undergo a Club Licensing workshop in the not too distant future which is also aimed at raising the level of local clubs.