
Sun, Jun

TTFA to work on commercialisation

THE TT Football Association (TTFA) was among several member associations from the region which participated in a commercialisation workshop hosted by Concacaf, last Tuesday, via a Zoom conference call.

The lead presenter at the workshop was Heidi Pellerano, Concacaf’s chief commercial officer, who oversees the organisation’s commercial division, developing and managing strategic partnerships to maximize the commercial opportunities of the organisation.

She also has direct oversight of the departments of business development, partnership marketing, digital and emerging technologies, media distribution, and broadcast productions.

Some of the topics discussed included brand-building tactics, sponsorship, fan engagement, data and analytics specific to fan engagement and marketing and building strategic alliances with commercial partners among other items.

Also present at the workshop were Concacaf general secretary Philippe Moggio, chief director of member associations Marco Leal, senior project manager Howard McIntosh and director of Caribbean football at Concacaf Horace Reid.

Attending the workshop on the TTFA’s behalf was interim general secretary Amiel Mohammed, head of media and communications Shaun Fuentes and Yuri Chapman.

Some of the other countries participating countries were Jamaica, Grenada, Bermuda, Guyana, Barbados, St Lucia among others.

In his address, Moggio emphasised the Confederation’s desire to help the member associations improve their commercial structures and strategies.

“We have heard from many of you that the commercial area is an important area where we all need to strengthen our know-how, so we decided to create this specific commercialization workshop,” Moggio said.

“We have done a lot of work over the past two years in further developing our commercial programme, developing the platforms that target different audiences. “You see our women’s competitions coming together under a Concacaf women’s brand and our youth competitions and how we are packaging those, our CSR efforts and many other initiatives that target different audiences and help us advance our revenue opportunities. These are the areas we want to focus on that can help you at your local level.

The TTFA confirmed they will continue to engage with Concacaf and FIFA experts as it aims to strengthen its marketing and commercial programmes and will be part of further workshops hosted by the confederation throughout 2021.