
Tue, Jul


Football in the Caribbean will be exposed to the world by Jack Warner today in London, England. Warner will do so while delivering the opening presentation of the Fifa Global Conference aimed at ensuring the development and growth of the world’s most popular sport. It will take place at Chelsea Football Club starting today and will end on Wednesday and involve over 1,000 senior executives from five continents. “I was honored and humbled to have been selected to be part of this prestigious event,” said Warner when accepting the invitation to deliver the opening presentation back in April.

The Fifa Vice President will be speaking to leaders of football at the world’s most exclusive football event on the future of football. These leaders are all linked to International Clubs, Leagues, Federations and Brands. The 1,000-plus executives will assemble to learn, network and discuss programmes all aimed at ensuring the development and growth of the world’s most popular sport. “This conference is another platform which I shall use to expose the Caribbean to the world,” said Warner, who is the oldest serving Fifa Vice President.

“The world is changing, and sport must change with it, “ added Warner. “We are in a new era and it is imperative that we adapt if we are to succeed.

“Football touches over one billion persons directly or indirectly, it is known as the beautiful game and while we must ensure that we keep the beauty and purity of this game, we cannot fall behind.” Warner went on to state: “The football industry is changing at a breath-taking rate with new owners, technologies, ideas and regulations all contributing to a seismic shift in the way football is going to be organized and played. “We will like any other sport face a number of challenges but I am confident we will succeed. Football and sport in general has been the pillar of strength in any society throughout the ages, we will continue to that immovable force which provides hope to the hopeless, a force which will continue to shape a better society .”

Warner has shattered many barriers in his lifetime and continues to make waves on the international scene. In 1990, he became the first Trinidadian to head Concacaf and later became the first Caribbean national to hold the office of a FIFA Vice President. The summit themes will cover ‘Staging a World Cup’, ‘Football in a Global Recession’, ‘Managing the Wealth Gap’ and ‘Leadership on and off the field’. Among those also speaking at the conference will be Sven-Goran Eriksson, former England manager and Premier League chairman Sir David Richards.