
Thu, Jul


Warner makes speech at the T&T HyattJack Warner one of the most corrupt and incompetent men in football is in London for a meeting with the English FA and surprise surprise he has said that England’s bid for to host the world cup is lagging behind.

Jack Warner is a Fifa Vice President who wields huge power and his head on CONCACAF.

This is an old trick of Warner’s, his comments about the state of England’s bid were to be expected by those that know what goes on behind the scenes, it matters not a jot how England’s bid is coming along, it is just a ploy to get some cash out of the English FA.

We will be dumbfounded if there is not an announcement in the coming months about a friendly between Trinidad and England, even though one was forced on the English FA just over a year ago or some sort Youth experiment or something, anything that will put money in Jack Warner’s pocket.

This is a man that has publicly slammed white people in a speech that can be viewed on YouTube, this is a man that has had at least two books written that chronicle his corruption.

This is a man that former Trinidad players like former Newcastle player Shaka Hislop has accused of numerous illegal activities.

This is a man that has sold his vote many many times, a man that blackmails, a man that plants people on Fifa votes, in fact the list is endless.

He stands accused of selling world cup tickets, he stands accused of milking vast amounts of Fifa money, he stands accused of bribery, theft, money laundering, this man is unfit to hold a job anywhere in football.

It is to the eternal shame of the English FA that they have to entertain him, but that is the price you have to pay it seems to host a world cup.

For further reading on the exploits of Jack Warner here is some resources.

What Wikipedia says about this man

Black market ticket sales

Warner has been accused of corruption on BBC’s Panorama for repeatedly taking advantage of his position for financial gain. FIFA’s auditors, Ernst & Young, estimated that his family made a profit of at least $1 million from reselling 2006 World Cup tickets that Warner had ordered.

Minutes of FIFA’s executive committee indicate that a fine of almost $1 million, equal to the expected profiteering, was imposed on the family.Despite numerous reminders from FIFA, only $250,000 has been paid.
Request for personal payments

After Trinidad and Tobago visited Scotland for the friendly match on May 30, 2004 at Easter Road, Edinburgh, Jack Warner asked SFA President John McBeth for the cheque for the game to be made out to him personally and not the FA of Trinidad and Tobago. McBeth refused to issue the cheque to Warner. Warner also approached several members of staff at the Scottish Football Association in an attempt to get the money due to the T&T FA.

Trinidad and Tobago 2006 World Cup bonuses

Before the 2006 FIFA World Cup, Warner, as special advisor to the Trinidad and Tobago Football Federation, brokered a deal between the Federation and the players on Trinidad and Tobago’s 2006 World Cup team to share the proceeds from their participation in the World Cup. After the tournament the Federation declared revenue of TT$18.25 million, costs of TT$17.9 million and offered the players a split of TT$5,644.08 per player.

The players rejected this figure, disputing the Federation’s numbers. Warner criticized the players for refusing to accept the T&TFF’s unaudited statement, saying “What Trinidad is suffering from is from a situation whereby 16 or 18 players are holding a country and a federation to ransom because of greed.”

Shaka Hislop, the interim president of the Football Players Association of Trinidad and Tobago responded with a letter to Warner writing “You have continually proven yourself heavily biased and opinionated in this matter.”

The Trinidad and Tobago government later revealed that the Federation received in excess of TT$173 million for their part in the tournament in Germany.

The T&TFF proposed that the bonus dispute be heard before the UK Sports Dispute Resolution Panel and the players agreed. Arbitrator Ian Mill QC heard the case and ruled that Warner had “the authority of the TTFA to commit it to financial transactions” and that the players were entitled to 50 per cent of the FIFA World Cup participation money and the commercial revenues gained from Trinidad and Tobago’s qualification, as well as half the net income from World Cup warm-up matches.

The player’s lawyer, Michael Townley, said “At the moment, the players have not received a single cent” and alleged that the T&TFF defaulted on its payment to the arbitration body

Foul by Andrew Jennings
How they stole the world cup by David Yallop


Racist Video
YouTube Video

Message for Jack Warner
If any of the accusations in this article are wrong then please, we beg you sue us, we would love nothing more than to state in a court of law the facts about you and your corruption.

The Last Word: Please put this 'clown' Jack back in his box.
By James Corrigan (The Independent).

Having to suck up to Warner is why England should never have bid for 2018 World Cup

It cannot be easy being Jack Warner. On Tuesday you feel obliged to tell a football association sitting in front of you that they are a bunch of lightweights who wouldn't know a World Cup bid from a jolly in London. And in the three working days thereafter you not only have to rip up the sport's rulebook, inventing new laws on the spot, but also return home to inform your country that the public has lost confidence in its government.

Yes, it must be hard, but very gratifying. Fancy possessing all the answers, as well as the access to the podiums on which to have them heard? Thank goodness men like Warner are so giving of their time that they can take up so many positions of power. I mean, what would football and Trinidad do without him as the Fifa vice-president and a leading opposition MP?

In England the answer might well be "host a World Cup", although to some of the footballing powerbrokers having to bow and scrape, it could be "look myself in the mirror". The problem is that Lord Triesman and the rest of the FA could never answer honestly because Warner holds the key to so many votes. Here is the living, bequeathing proof why England should never have bothered with a bid. Having to suck up to the likes of him just isn't worth the saliva.

In an ideal world, the FA could follow Roy Keane's lead a few years ago. After Warner criticised the then Sunderland manager for not releasing Dwight Yorke, Keane told him he was a "clown" and vowed to have nothing more to do with him. "Everybody talks about owners and chairmen in football," said Keane. "But if he's vice-president of Fifa, God help everybody."

How those comments chimed last week at Stamford Bridge when Warner proudly took his place as the first speaker at "The Leadership Summit", which, with its grand title, perhaps inspired those at the pulpit to play The Big I Am. Warner certainly did. If his ultimatum to the FA to employ David Beckham and/or the Queen to lead the 2018 campaign did not stand up to serious scrutiny, some of his arguments could barely raise themselves off the floor they were so laughable.

Sadly, Warner was actually praised for calling for divers to be sin-binned. At Chelsea HQ he suggested they receive a five-minute punishment, but then warming to his theme in front of the Sky Sports cameras he updated this to 10 minutes (far more statesmanlike). It was left to Graham Poll to appear on screen to advise that because of the muddled ruling concerning what does and does not constitute "diving", or as it is termed in the rulebook, "simulation", this would not be as wonderfully effective as it sounds. And whose muddled ruling is this? You've got it: Fifa's.

Unfortunately, Poll was not asked to comment on another of Warner's revolutionary "tweaks". The free-kick wall isn't very fair, it's too wide and evidently stops specialists like his beloved Beckham converting more of their majestic curlers. So here's what Jack would do: limit the number of players who can form the wall to the number of players who committed the foul. Hey presto, most of the time the dead-ball merchants will have only to bypass one body.

Now, just run this through in your mind, forgetting for a moment just how tricky it might be to stop team-mates from standing next to each other. Think of the foulers suddenly hunting in pairs, in threesomes or foursomes maybe. Think how numbskullingly stupid this idea is. And then consider that this has come from the mouth of a human being who happens to be the second most powerful executive in football; a vice-president who has a huge influence on the game's future.

Frightening? Well, if that's the case, I won't mention how Warner wants to reduce teams to 10 players or that he wants the penalty area condensed to nine yards by nine yards (which by my hasty reckoning would result in fewer penalties and more free-kicks blocked by, yes, those damn walls).

When Warner ever opens his mouth wide enough to appear in the British press nowadays, there are always subtle mentions about a past that might just be considered chequered. How he was publicly censured by Fifa after being implicated in selling tickets for three times their face value at the 2006 World Cup. How, in a Panorama expose, he was accused by a former Scottish FA president of asking for Trinidad's match fee to be paid out to him, personally.

But there's really no need for all that. Just report exactly what he says. Warner slaughters his own legitimacy by his own ignorance and, rather inevitably, by his own hubris. In an interview with the Trinidad Guardian in 2000, the former teacher turned multi-millionaire said: "I began buying properties across Trinidad from the salary and allowances I received from Fifa. This made it easy for me to invest. I have had one or two good fortunes."

But still the FA have to take him seriously, as does Sepp Blatter, who is just as reliant on Warner's votes for his presidency. That says everything about the state of football and its rulers. Have Fifa's executive really descended into such a pit of self-obsession that they cannot weigh up a bid purely on its merits? That instead, they require a footballing superstar or the planet's leading royal to show up and assure them how important they all are?

Why not get Simon Cowell involved and make it a popularity show with viewers paying 50p a phone vote? Who would win between Nelson Mandela and Her Royal Highness, between Pele and Beckham and, who knows, between Dylan and McCartney?

But then believe Warner and, effectively, Fifa are already at that stage. When England lost the 2006 bid, a "source", told The Guardian: "Bobby Charlton is a great name but does not have the same standing as Franz Beckenbauer." And that's Fifa, for you. Sir Bobby isn't good enough. Jack Warner is.

Warner Shock At Australia World Cup Coup.

FIFA vice-president Jack Warner has added further doubts to England's 2018 World Cup bid by watching their rivals advertise under their noses.

Warner was speaking at the Leaders In Football summit at Stamford Bridge, where all guests were given a free bag promoting Australia's bid for either 2018 or 2022.

After criticising the bid earlier in the week, Warner went on to suggest David Beckham or a figure such as the Queen could play a role in bringing the tournament to England by visiting decision makers.

"I came here and was shocked that I got a bag for Australia at the entrance," said Warner, who holds three votes as CONCACAF president and could influence another two.

"I wouldn't have allowed it. Why isn't there a bag for England? People are looking at these things and asking themselves questions.

"My colleagues are saying very quietly that the guys who are coming to them are lightweight. This is the type of thing that loses you a bid.

"You have to look at what others are doing and also be creative yourself - these things are not happening."

Warner feels England could be successful if they use their attributes and become more aggressive.

"I feel England do not exploit their attributes. I would take Beckham and make him my ambassador in countries where people are going to vote," he said.

"England's attributes surpasses any other country. I would have been more aggressive in the market place.

"If I had the Premier League, Beckham and the Queen, there would have been many things I could have done for the people who are voting. I would have made them next-door neighbours to make them the first name of people's lips.

"In Rio last week, the first name on people's lips was Spain, then Russia. I have friends in England and know about the trauma of 2006 - I am saying if they do not get their act together they will lose. You have no divine right to anything - you have to earn it."

England played a friendly in 2008 against Trinidad and Tobago, where Warner is based, and, despite his comments, have been told they can be guaranteed his vote.

Warner's speech was titled The Future Of Football: A Global Perspective, and he also addressed issues facing the game, including the danger of clubs being in heavy debt.

"Say what you want about free market but bottom line is the playing field is not level and other teams can and do find themselves left behind," he added.

"A salary cap should be introduced to allow for a more level playing field among clubs. Otherwise, smaller clubs will never be able to compete with high-spending ones. Never.

"And we need quotas. Madrid should not be able to field a side without a Spanish player - neither should Liverpool without an English player. The clubs must take initiative."

Warner also criticised clubs for not releasing players for international duty and talked about the need to embrace technology.

Lord Triesman, England's bid chairman, believes the bid is making progress.

"Jack has been very positive and very willing to give advice," Triesman told Press Association Sport.

"His initial advice was not to do what we did in 2006, going round getting in people's faces and making assumptions, we should go around and listen to people. That is quite right anyway.

"It was always going to be a campaign where we would move onto a higher profile. He's making a point that we need to get to that point. It is always worth hearing Jack's advice."

Copyright (c) 2009 Press Association

England's World Cup bid is only 'creeping along' says Jack Warner
UK Guardian

• Fifa vice-president and Concacaf chief critical of England
• 'I'm not convinced they are making most of attributes'

England's bid to host the 2018 World Cup is only "creeping along" when it should be galloping, according to the Fifa vice-president Jack Warner. Warner, the president of the Concacaf federation and one of the most powerful men in football, will meet the FA chairman, Lord Triesman, and the Premier League chairman, Sir Dave Richards, tomorrow and that is the message he will pass on to the bid chiefs.

He also stressed that, contrary to some reports, he and Concacaf's two other Fifa executive committee members have not decided to back England's bid for 2018 or 2022 – nor any other beyond the USA's.

Warner, in London to speak at the Leaders in Football conference tomorrow today, said: "I think England are creeping along. It's better than standing still but I would have thought they would be galloping by now. I have a private meeting with [the FA chairman] Lord Triesman and [the Premier League chairman] Sir Dave Richards and if they want my advice I will give it – I'm happy to give it to anyone.

"I'm not being unkind. I have been a Fifa executive committee member for 27 years, I have seen many other bids, and while England has all the attributes to be a worthy host country I am not convinced they are making the most of those attributes. Spain is doing quite well and some people have even expressed the belief to me that if the vote were taken now they would win. There is of course a long time to go, and many things can change."

There have been suggestions that Concacaf would support England's after Triesman agreed for Fabio Capello's side to play a friendly in Trinidad & Tobago, Warner's home country, but he insists that they have yet to make up their minds.

Warner added: "I want to disabuse anybody of the view that Concacaf is in the FA's corner. I have a good working relationship and I have some empathy with them but we need to sit back and see what all the bids come up with. We are looking for those who find new ways to be innovative for football."

Mexico's decision to withdraw from the race for 2018 and 2022 has left the USA as the sole bid from Concacaf and favourites to win one of the tournaments with the other going to Europe. But Warner warned them not to be complacent – and said Chicago's humbling in the contest for the 2016 Olympics had shown the danger of relying on the Barack Obama factor.

Warner said: "In my humble opinion I believe the USA were favourites even before Mexico's withdrawal, which was the right thing to do because their economy couldn't carry it. I think though the Barack Obama euphoria has now died down and we saw what happened with Chicago, so I don't think that mystique will have a great role to play. The USA must concentrate on its strengths and how it would stage a great tournament."

Fifa's executive committee will vote on the 2018 and 2022 hosts in December next year. Russia, Holland/Belgium, Australia, Korea, Qatar, Japan and Indonesia are also bidding.