
Sat, Jun


Former Manchester United player Dwight Yorke continued his visit in the Seychelles by visiting a group of students from the Maritime Training Center (MTC) and the Seychelles Institute of Technology (SIT) yesterday.

Gathered at the MTC compound at Providence, the eager students got to listen to Yorke’s inspirational sharing of his past upbringing and despite fame and fortune he has managed to keep himself grounded to a simple life, not forgoing the principles taught to him by his parents.

“The scenery and life of the Seychelles brought back many of my childhood memories the minute I got to the island,” said Yorke
He discussed his past to the young students present, relating to them the island life he had growing up in Trinidad and Tobago and how going to England was for him at the time an impossible dream which might not materialise.

He stressed on talent versus attitude, how with the right attitude in mind and sacrifices one can achieve many things.
“One should stay focused and be willing to make many sacrifices along the way, bearing in mind hard work, determination and good work ethics,” added Mr Yorke.

He stressed that one should not take shortcuts in life and once the opportunity to be successful presents itself grab it. Not forgetting the fundamentals, which are sacrifices, hard work and dedication and the biggest challenge, the many people who would now want to be your friends just because of the fame,” said the former Manchester United striker.

Present at the visit was principal secretary for youth Alain Volcère and Airtel Seychelles country manager Vikram Sinha.

The students were able to ask Mr Yorke a few questions which he eagerly replied and this was followed by a photo shoot.