
Wed, Jun

Luton's most recent signing Carlos Edwards has described his new club as 'sleeping giants' and believes that the Hatters will surprise many people when the new season gets underway.

The midfielder popped into the media office on Monday morning to give his first ever interview as a Luton player to Hatters World subscribers after completing a medical at Kenilworth Stadium.

Edwards was at the club to see his new surroundings before jetting off to join his international team-mates, where he will be joining the Trinidad and Tobago squad for the Gold Cup in America.

Edwards arrives at Kenilworth Stadium from Wrexham after spending five years at the Racecourse Ground and described to his move to the Hatters as a 'big break'.

"I can't wait for the season to get underway," admitted Edwards. "This is the big break I wanted in my career and hopefully I can come here to please the crowd and maybe give the team that extra boost to challenge for promotion again.

"Coming to play for Mike Newell was a massive part of my decision to come to Luton Town. I believe I have come to a club which is very ambitious and they want to go places. The opportunity to play in the Championship is the stepping stone for me to go on and play at a higher level.

"I think Luton fans will see me as a very entertaining player, who likes to be creative and gets forward whenever possible to score goals. The fans will see a player who has some tricks up his sleeve but at the end of the day I have come here to do a job and win as many matches as possible.

"Many teams will view Luton as a walk over next season but I honestly believe we will surprise loads of people. I believe we will be in the top half of the league because, from what I have seen, Luton has a good bunch of players.

"This is a new challenge for me and one I'm looking forward to. In my eyes this club is a sleeping giant and when August 6th arrives, I think there will be a few surprised people."

For now, Edward travels to Miami on Tuesday to team up with his international team-mates for the Gold Cup event where Trinidad must face Colombia, Panama and Honduras in the group stages of the competition.

The 26-year-old midfielder could be in the States until the 24th June should Trinidad progress through to the final of the competition but should they fail to get past the group stages it means Edwards will be available to join his new team-mates for the pre-season tour of Bulgaria.

Edwards continued: "The Gold Cup is a stepping stone for the rest of the World Cup qualifies. The Gold Cup is a tournament with some very good teams involved but we are obviously focusing on qualifying for the World Cup.

"Things were a bit difficult for the Trinidad team but we have a new manager who won his first game in charge and although we are struggling in our qualification group there is still a chance we can qualify for the World Cup in Germany."