
Wed, Jun


Hamilton boss Martin Canning confirmed he has brought Jason Scotland in as striker coach – and hopes it will have a positive effect on his players.

Canning says it’s important that the former Hamilton hero can pass on his experience to players like Rakish Bingham, but also to get inside their heads.

He said: “Jason is working hard with the strikers and sometimes it’s not maybe just what he’s doing on the pitch, but what he’s saying to them as well.

“I’ve given him the attacking players, if you like, and his stuff on the pitch is not a lot different to what we’ve been doing, but the one-to-one time he can spend with the likes of Rakish, his words of advice, and things he can put into their mind is important.

“Jason has said to Rakish to be more positive, more selfish, to want to score goals, and you can see a difference in him.

“Jason is doing well in that, and hopefully he can continue to progress as well and grow as a coach.”

Scotland is no stranger to the club, having scored in the famous play-off win over Hibs in May 2014, and when he came to watch a game late last season, it sparked an idea for Canning.

He explained: “It was something I thought about towards the tail-end of last season.

“Jason came to one of the games, he was back over, and I phoned him in the summer, met him for a coffee and asked if he would be interested – he jumped at the chance to come in and work away.

“Initially we were looking just to get him in once or twice a week to work with the strikers, but that has progressed to him helping with the under-20s and doing striker work as well.

“It’s good for him, he’s really keen and eager to help, and hopefully with his knowledge and the level he has played at, he can benefit the guys.”