
Wed, Jun

City striker Stern John made an explosive return to goalscoring form in front of the Sky Blue Army on Saturday, as he bagged himself a brace in the unbelievable 6-1 drubbing of Midlands rivals Derby.

And having spent a spell on loan at Pride Park earlier in the season the Trinidad and Tobago international was delighted to show the East Midlanders what they were missing with his double strike.

Speaking exclusively to Sky Blues World after the fantastic win over Phil Brown's men the former Birmingham and Nottingham Forest striker said he was pleased with the team performance especially after City had fallen behind so early in the game.

"I was pleased for myself and also for the rest of the lads. We started the game a bit sloppily but got ourselves right back into it and it was brilliant. I think every time we play against Derby, especially the home games, it's always a thriller!

"It's good to know we can score six goals against an opposition because that shows the quality we have got in our team because Derby are not a bad team. Hopefully now we can turn the corner and go onto better things.

"It felt really good to be back on the scoresheet and as long as I get the service I am a striker who can score goals. I just want to continue playing well for Coventry City."

With Middlesbrough visiting the Ricoh this weekend for what promises to be an intriguing FA Cup Fourth Round clash, John is relishing the chance to test himself against Premiership opposition.

"I've played in the Premiership before now and I've played international football as well. Hopefully myself and the lads can go out there and give a good performance again and get ourselves into the hat for the next round.

"As long as we don't go into Saturday's game in an over-confident mood and keep on working hard as a team, we should be okay. I think our work ethic is really good and I hope we can continue to show that. That's the way we've been successful and if we can continue to show that we'll go places."