
Fri, Jun

SUSPENDED St Johnstone striker Jason Scotland is angry he can only watch his side's tie with Elgin tonight.

Scotland was ordered off by referee Craig MacKay for catching Hamilton Accies defender Derek Fleming with a flying elbow.

But the Trinidad and Tobago international insists it was accidental.

He said: "The defender came through me and I was just trying to protect myself. I didn't elbow him deliberately. The ref wasn't giving strikers protection and that happens a lot in the First Division.

"Now I miss the cup-tie and if someone comes in and scores goals I could be on the bench for the league game against Ross County."

Scotland, who won't be hit with a club fine, is backing his Perth mates to see off the Third Division basement boys and set-up a-money-spinning clash with an SPL side.

But after drawing blanks on league duty, he admitted: "It's very disappointing none of the strikers has scored yet."

Boss Owen Coyle will be without injured defenders Kevin Rutkiewicz (ankle) and Allan McManus (groin).

Elgin boss Brian Irvine said: "Cup-ties have been in total contrast to our league form. I have belief in my players."