
Wed, Jun

I'd like to pick out Carlos Edwards for special praise this week.

I made him my man-of-the-match at Birmingham and he scored as good a goal as you'll see all season to take Sunderland to the brink of victory.

And in my opinion I think he might just be the best signing Roy Keane has made that season – he could be that important to the team.

The players from the big name clubs – Jonny Evans from Manchester United and Anthony Stokes from Arsenal – are understandably going to attract the attention and the headlines.

But it could be a relatively little known winger from Luton Town who proves to be the find of the season for Sunderland.

I just think he has added something to the squad which has been missing for some time – balance.

Even when the team was doing really well earlier in the season, in the away games at Derby County and Leeds United for example, I still thought they lacked that balance on the right wing.

A succession of players have been played in that position over the last few seasons.

Heck, we've even had plenty of players playing there this season but no-one ever really looked as though they relished it.

Dean Whitehead, Stephen Elliott, Toby Hysen, Liam Miller have all done a job there but you could never class them as genuine right wingers.

But Edwards is exactly that and since his arrival Sunderland's midfield looks as though it has genuine balance.

In my opinion, he's the best right-winger we've had since Nicky Summerbee (left) was at his best.