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Ac­tion in­volv­ing the 11-club T&T Pro League foot­ball sea­son, which is well in­to its sixth round of com­pe­ti­tion, will soon be avail­able to lo­cal foot­ball fans and sports lovers alike on a na­tion­al tele­vi­sion net­work.

This was stat­ed on Wednes­day by T&T Pro League Chief Ex­ec­u­tive Of­fi­cer Ju­lia Bap­tiste, who not­ed that the League's dream of hav­ing match­es broad­cast live, has be­come a re­al­i­ty, cour­tesy its part­ner­ship with the Michael De Four-owned Talk­a­bout Com­pa­ny Lim­it­ed.

Speak­ing af­ter what was de­scribed as a cor­dial meet­ing with the in­tend­ed broad­cast provider, both Bap­tiste, who has been as­so­ci­at­ed with the Pro League since its in­cep­tion 18 years ago, and De Four, the Talk­a­bout Com­pa­ny's Man­ag­ing Di­rec­tor, were pos­i­tive in their views of what is ex­pect­ed to come on stream soon.

De Four said, “The T&T Pro League has em­barked on a dri­ve to be­come self-suf­fi­cient, un­der­stand­ing the eco­nom­ic sit­u­a­tion that cur­rent­ly ex­ists in the coun­try,”

He added, "In do­ing so, the first ini­tia­tive is to en­hance the per­cep­tion of the league, and one of the things we have stat­ed, is that we want the league or teams, to play foot­ball our way. The sec­ond is to in­crease the so­cial me­dia pres­ence,"

This was brought about by the T&T Pro League out­sourc­ing its mar­ket­ing ser­vices to Talk­a­bout, which un­der­stands the league's eco­nom­ic sit­u­a­tion and will seek to en­hance its im­age and make it self sus­tain­able.

The Talk­a­bout boss said, “This ven­ture should be hap­pen­ing as soon as pos­si­ble, and while that is hap­pen­ing we will al­so be work­ing to­wards the im­prove­ment of the so­cial me­dia plat­forms."

How­ev­er, Bap­tiste was quick to note that af­ter 18 years of the T&T Pro League try­ing to get its mar­ket­ing dri­ve on the way, now we can say, we have this com­pa­ny, which the league has out­sourced and which has of­fered us a pro­pos­al that could make the pro league self-sus­tain­able and fi­nan­cial­ly vi­able.

“The Pro League has been on tele­vi­sion be­fore, but not in the way that we are go­ing to be see­ing very soon, in terms of the pro­duc­tion and trans­mis­sion in high de­f­i­n­i­tion. We are ex­pect­ing a qual­i­ty that has nev­er been seen be­fore, and with the dis­cus­sions that Talk­a­bout Com­pa­ny has been hav­ing with the lo­cal tele­vi­sion sta­tion, we are push­ing to have every­thing ready to be rolled out by this week­end."

“We know we are in­to the 2020 Car­ni­val sea­son, and we may have a few things hap­pen­ing in be­tween, but what is very im­por­tant to us is that the T&T Pro League foot­ball will be on tele­vi­sion, and T&T could see now Pro League foot­ball on a lo­cal sta­tion."

“We at the Pro League would love to thank Talk­a­bout Com­pa­ny Ltd for step­ping up and be­ing able to pro­pose to us, some­thing that I think we could not turn down."

"It is then we will be able to see what the T&T Pro League can bring to T&T, and we hope that the view­ing pub­lic turn on their tele­vi­sion sets," Michael De Four said.

SOURCE: T&T Guardian