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2006 is going to be a great year for the T&T Pro League, so says the League’s CEO Dexter Skeene.

The 2006 season was officially launched at the Crowne Plaza where CEO Dexter Skeene took the opportunity to welcome the new teams—Joe Public FC, San Fernando Starworld Strikers, and Superstar Rangers into the Pro League, bringing the number of teams this season to 10.

Mr. Skeene says, in 2006 the objectives remain the same, ‘As in previous years, 2006 will see new innovations, and improvements in the way we market and promote games and competitions.”

“Our main strategic goals are to enhance the Pro League experience for players, fans officials, media, the referees and the League’s corporate partners—as well as increase the interest in our competitions and strengthen the long term future of professional football in T&T.”

The League presented a new look 2006 season pass, that once again will offer holders 10% discount on any purchase made at any Sports and Games outlet, and Dexter Skeene says, the aim is to make the Pro League pass the premier affinity card in the country.

The League handed out passes to fourteen(14)former national footballers and coaches—Jimmy Blanc, Clayton Morris, Mohammed Isa, Michael Maurice, Reynold George, Alvin Corneal, Edgar Vidale, Everald Cummings, Sedly Joseph, Ulric Haynes, Steve Pierre, Selris Figaro, Reynold Carrington and Leon Carpet.

The CEO also had a message for the pioneers of the league; the club owners and coaches—“We can only continue to develop as a League if we all understand that he culture of the League reflects its core values, which are unity, tolerance, fair play, excellence, integrity and respect. No club or individual is bigger than the game or the League, we must look at the bigger picture—the legacy at the end of the day is for the betterment of football and by extension the nation.”