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Coach Terry Fenwick of CL Financial San Juan Jabloteh expressed disappointment over reports published by newspapers last weekend on Aurtis Whitley’s performance on trial with Vietnamese Club Hoang Anh Gia Lai.

According to the newspaper reports, Coach of Hoang Anh Gia Lai stated “We have created favourable conditions for this player to show his ability but I’m disappointed. Aurtis Whitley is not more dominant than other foreign footballers who are playing in Vietnam. His only advantage is the strength in shots but these shots are inaccurate,” said coach Chatchai of Hoang Anh Gia Lai.

“If we sign a contract with this striker, we will have to take time to train him in many basic skills of a professional player. We would rather invest in local strikers, and some young players from the U-21 national squad,” he added.

A dejected Coach Fenwick told ‘’, “Whitley is not being treated right. We know the player and how well he can perform. He was accompanied by Wesley Webb our new team administrator to Vietnam and I have been receiving daily updates on his performance. Webb’s reports state that he was doing well and I trust his judgment as a former player himself.”

“I read the newspaper reports over the weekend and I believe it is something of a mystery. The reports made by the Hoang Anh Gia Lai coach is very contrary to what I have been receiving,” said the disgruntled Jabloteh coach.

Whitley left Trinidad in mid-March along with Wesley Webb for Vietnam and according to Fenwick the player had a contract awaiting him with Hoang Anh Gia Lai and it was just a matter of him settling in before signing with the Club.

Fenwick added, “This situation is very bad and we are trying to deal with it the best way we can. I am now looking to bring Whitley back to Trinidad,” said the Englishman.

As to where he would play this coming season the Jabloteh coach responded, “For now Whitley will be a Jabloteh player.”

Whitley is now expected back in Trinidad on Saturday.

As a member of TT Pro League Club CL Financial San Juan Jabloteh from 1999 to 2005, Whitley scored 64 goals. During the 2006 World Cup in Germany he played in all three matches for Trinidad and Tobago.