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Joe Public ended Defence Force's recent good run with a 4-2 victory at the Marvin Lee Stadium, allowing the ‘Eastern Lions’ to close the gap to 1 point between the sides.

After Saturday's defeat, coach Kerry Jamerson told the, that his defenders failed to carry out instructions, “The defensive line did not play as accustomed tonight, they did not play to the normal plan, the man marking was atrocious and responsible for three of the goals scored.”

Jamerson congratulated the 'Eastern Lions' for their victory, he said, “They took their chances and put them away, while we failed to capitalize on what we created.”

Next up for the 'Army' is what Jamerson considers a tough game against Police, he intends to work on finishing and defence.

”What I am going to work on is my defensive area and goal scoring, because the Police game is going to be tough, as all armed services battles are, I am sure come the next game we are going to return to our winning ways.”

Jamerson also noted the absence of the influential Richard Roy, who is out injured, he said, “I think the way Jorsling and Roy connect is important to our success this season, I didn't get that with the forward line I used tonight, while Balthazar is a good player, we certainly missed Roy.”

Jamerson promised a turnaround in the upcoming 'battle of the armed forces', with Joe Public just a point behind them, the Army coach will want as much distance between them as possible, as the season enters the home stretch.