
Sun, Jul
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I arrived early by TT standards 1/2hr and they had no one in the stands.
They also had an electricity problem with all the bathrooms and cafeteria area dark. But they had some Policemen and Guards around.

For my early arrival I got a Jabloteh rag/bandana, a CL T-Shirt and a match program.

Jabloteh had a boss riddim section, well rehearsed and they real play good. All kinda back in times tunes, latest calypso etc. They had a good brass section and good drum and iron men. Also they changed they tunes when events unfolded on the field. They had tunes for when man get injured, defence, attack, corner etc. This lively up the game too bad.

At the start of the match after the anthems the crowd probably reached about 2000.

On to the game.........this was strictly entertainment.

It wasn't football but more like a comedy of errors, a boxing match, acting and fight rolled into one.

First off, Tivoli ent good a little bit. They did nothing, except hoof the ball long and play kick down man. For most of the night it was who coulda hit who the hardest most crunching tackle.......Only Blade pelting!

Tivoli had 2 shots for the entire game. One scored and one was a ok attempt.

The goal Tivoli got early in the second half. I would say is a own goal. Williams had nothing to do whole night. I ent know if he was napping or not but a Tivoli player was in the middle of the field. The Jabloteh guys watch him, shadow and point, just like the national side and the man fire a speculative shot from 40 yards.

Williams like an IMPS......parry the ball down. But instead of parrying the ball down to bounce up and catch it again. He PARRY IT DOWN THRU HE LEGS AND INTO THE GOAL.

What makes it worse was after it pass tru his legs he try to scramble and get it and end up racking up himself on the post. Ametureism at its best.

TALK about Cuss! from all involved.

Other than that it was all Jabloteh. In the first half they raided the Tivoli goal at least 10 times, but nuttin. Poor finishing, the bar or men doing shit and miskickin with the goal at their mercy.

Peter Prosper get a sitter one on one with the goalies stranded on the 18 all he had to do was lift it over the keeper's head, instead he try to beat and get pull down. The ref I feel didnt give nothing cause the man do real shit and it was harder to score than throw away.

SO then about 50 Jamaicans entered the stadium, in the Reggaeboyz jersey all looking like students. They came with flags etc. After they score they start to make noise and get on but the San Juan fans hush them and give them real talk. Plenty cuss pass but small thing.

On the field Tivoli couldn't come out their half, they play it around in the back and hoof. Only to be picked up by Jabloteh who ran at them from the wings and tru the middle. They were playing 6 at the back, 3 in the middle and one lone fwd who got nothing all night.

What I am surprised at is that the Jamaicans were outhustled, overrun, and they get some good blade from the Jabloteh players.

It was a war on the field. Only skate tackle, and off the ball punch, kick, Tivoli man squeezing Jabloteh players stones. Chook in eye, spitting, it was the worse.

The ref ent see nuttin or choose not to see but he didn't have control of the match. For his troubles a Jabloteh player hit him a flush bullet to head with the ball. It was a clearance, but I swear I dont know how the ref ent get knock out.

One of the uglier incidents which happened infront the Tivoli bench was that a Tivoli player kicked down a Jabloteh guy. When the player was attempting to get back up the Tivoli man stepped on the Jabloteh player's face and punched him in his chest. But faking it so it would look like he is bending down to retrieve a ball which was nearby. After receiving the blow the Jabloteh guy got up and butt the Tivoli man flush in his face bursting his lip and nose. This is when the Tivoli bench run unto the field and a setta push and shove start up.

It was a crude rough game, not football but more like a fight with a ball on the field. But funny enough it was Tivoli who come second.

In terms of player performances, the program numbers and the jersey numbers were not corresponding, but Nigel Pierre and Peter Prosper didn't do the goods last night.

Jabloteh back three of Gray, Thomas and Elcock win everyball in the air and every tackle. Thomas and Gray should be in the TT side playing more often.

If Bertille was there they have a rasta who playing on the left side for Jabloteh, a winger or wingback but he have speed, could beat and a wicked free kick, which scored from 18 yards out, a beautiful curler in the dying mins of the game. I think his name is Dexter Franklyn ? he's good, just he a little thin. Only other thing is that he playing on the left but he is a right footer, having to cut the ball back to cross or shoot, but he was ripping the Tivoli men apart.

Otis Seaton (Aurtis Whitley is a Boss. The man real good, how he cyar make a TT midfield now is beyond me, skill for days and speed, very intelligent passer and reader of the game, played well and all the subs that came on had REAL REAL speed and were taking men on and looking purposeful, they had a short red man and another taller slim player with skill and speed for days. I would love to see them fellas line up for TT.

So thats it in a nutshell, Tivoli 'ent' (NOT) good, they get two shots for the game and scored one thanks to a Jabloteh keeper Daurance Williams early christmas gift. Jabloteh, sour sour on the night, had opportunities but just couldn't finish. None of the Jamaican players impressed me and some of the names are talked about as being big players over on the RBSZ site, but they are all hype, flash and no substance.

In the end though JAB technically lost, as the away goals rule was enforced so they are behind 2-1, technically.

They should be able to score two or more on this team and progress as they are fitter, technically better and just as rough. Lets just hope they bring they scoring boots next game.