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Long before the global economic crisis Caledonia AIA of Morvant Laventille were accustomed to operating on tight budgets. But the National FA Champs and Courts Pro Bowl winners are bracing for the tough economic times by beefing up there administrative structure.

The club has decided to revamp its Board of Directors by announcing new additions.

With immediate effect Caledonia AIA has made two additions to its Management team.

Joining  Caledonia AIA is veteran sports administrator Earl "EJ" John who will serve as the club's General Secretary. John who served the club in the late 90's in a similar capacity has been a livewire in sports in east Trinidad since the 70's. He has served organizations like the Arima Basketball League, Fulham Sports Club, Eastern Football Association, TTFF , CONCACAF and most recently the National Basketball Federation of Trinidad & Tobago.

Also joining Caledonia AIA this season is Nicholas Lochan as the club's Marketing Officer. Lochan is a graduate of the University of the West Indies and has worked with several community organizations in the same capacity.

Welcoming the two persons to the organization is Caledonia's Administrative Manager Ricarda Nelson.

Speaking to Nelson was full of enthusiasm with the appointments.

"EJ" (Earl John) is easily the most efficient Sports Administrator I know and his presence will be a big boost to the club," stated Nelson.

"And in Nicholas Lochan we have a young man with a lot of drive and passion for community projects. We owe it to our players and staff to produce a better organization. Our first step is to attempt to become more efficient and professional in our modus operandi."

"Our main emphasis for 2009 is "community" and EJ and Nicholas will have important roles to play in helping us deliver quality not just to our players and coaching staff but the young people in the community whom we serve," ended Nelson who is a former T&T national female footballer.