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DIRECTV North East Stars will once again be launching their Summer Football Camp on Monday at Damerie Hill Grounds, Sangre Grande. The camp, which enjoyed great success last summer introduces children to the North East Stars training school which runs every weekend throughout the year. The camp, sponsored by Malta Carib will run from Monday to Friday from 18th July to 29th July. Registration is $250 and includes a North East Stars training school uniform, football and water bottle.

CEO Brent Sancho said "This camp provides an entry into the North East Stars organisation, and is an important scouting opportunity. Last year, many of the children attending went on to join the training school and some were selected for our academy programme and now play in our youth teams." Sancho also pointed out that the camp provides parents with a secure facility to keep children active. "We know its difficult for working parents who worry about their children becoming involved in unsavoury activity. The camp provides a structured, disciplined environment in which they can have fun."

North Easts events co ordinator, Khaty Martin-Jones said "Its a great opportunity for children to receive coaching from professional coaches and players. Arnold Dwarika, for instance, was Caribbean Footballer of the Year, so children will benefit from spending time with players and coaches who have played all over the world."

Jones went on to point out that the camp is not all about football. "We try to bring to the children various core values during the two weeks. Good manners and politeness are encouraged, while we also try to instill pride in their community and develop personal self belief and ambition. We also have lots of fun!"

Children should arrive on Monday 18th July to register at 8.30 a.m. and the daily camps will run until 1 p.m. each day.

North East Stars President, Darryl Mahabir said "North East Stars are privileged to be the sole professional football team representing the whole North East Region. Our focus is always on serving the community, and we see our Summer Camp as an important vehicle to encourage children to regularly take part in sport and live an active, healthy lifestyle." Mahabir went on to thank the clubs sponsors for their support "Our partners make this possible and the commitment, particularly of Malta Carib over the last year, has contributed greatly to the healthy lifestyle of over 100 local children. Malta Carib has truly immersed its brand into the Sangre Grande community and this can only be a positive for both the brand and the children of the North East Region."

For more information, contact Ms Martin on  374-5968 or 479-8575