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DIRECTV North East Stars revealed its goalkeeping secret this week in the signing of 31 year old Jamaican goalkeeper Leon Gordon for the 2011-2012 season.

The now former Tivoli Gardens of Jamaica goalkeeper has picked up the vacant spot left by last season’s Michael Woods—who wasn’t retained by the Sangre Grande club this season.

North East Stars coach Shurland David also revealed 20 year old goalkeeper Aaron Ali joining the goalkeeping department with Gordon and last season’s second choice Andre Durant of Guyana.

“Last season we were weak in certain areas and goalkeeping was one of them,” explained Coach David. “And this season we are trying to improve on these areas and getting in touch with Leon was a great deal for us.

“He is very commanding and has good feet work. He is strong as a shot blocker and good against crosses as well. It’s the sort of presence that we would need at the back to be safe. Sometimes when a player defeats our defence, you’d say its sure goal but with Leon…its fifty/fifty.”

Gordon fond of the move said, “I’m about giving my all, all the time.”

“I feel great (at North East Stars) because it’s always a move that I wanted to make playing outside of Jamaica.

“I’m just expecting football. It’s the same all around the world. I’ve known a bit about Trinidad football for a while playing against clubs in the Caribbean Club Championship,” ended the former Jamaica National U17, U20 and U23 goalkeeper.

Meantime Ali formally of Biche United said he is focused on being at his best and competing against Gordon and Durant for the first choice goalkeeping spot at North East Stars.

Ali welcomed the opportunity as a new step in his career as he looks towards the Trinidad and Tobago Men’s Senior Team.

Ali was the only player selected out of pre-season trails and Coach David rated the 20 year old as one for the future.

“He is a good guy,” said the Stars’ coach. “He has good work ethic, he is young and we can base the future around him.”