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Dexter Skeene, chief executive officer of the Digicel T&T Pro League said yesterday he was awaiting word from officials of Defence Force and Police with regards to their resumption of play in this year’s league.

Skeene made this revelation via a telephone interview less than 24 hours after Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar announced the removal of the nationwide 11pm to 4am curfew on Monday afternoon following a special meeting of the National Security Council.

Back on August 21, the armed forces teams, defending champion Defence Force and Police, were temporarily pulled out of the Pro League after a state of emergency was imposed on T&T.

Following the move Skeene said every effort would be made to accommodate the armed forces teams—postponing their matches to later in the season.

Skeene said, “We stated back then when the state of emergency was initiated we would make every effort to assure that our defending champions (Defence Force), who put their lives on the line to protect us, are protected within the Pro League even if worse-case scenario, and we have stuck to that statement and now looking forward to the return of both teams.

“For us at the Pro League it is very important Defence Force defends it league crown while welcoming the return of Police as well after both were involved in giving full support to the efforts of bringing calm and peace to the country.”