
Sun, Jul


Scarborough Secondary School (SSS), Tobago Secondary Schools Zonal Intercol and League champions have been given an opportunity to show their worth against a vastly superior opponent in bmobile Super League Tobago team, Phoenix.

In an effort to expose the top four teams from the Trinidad and Tobago Secondary Schools Big Five Championship to a higher level of competition, the Trinidad and Tobago Federation has granted them the opportunity to play in the prestigious National FA in the preliminary stage.

However, while SSS had lost to Shiva Boys in the Big Five quarter final and was not a semifinalist, they were invited to compete as the next in line, because Shiva Boys declined the invitation.

SSS had a bit of luck, not only in getting the opportunity to compete but in drawing a Super League team instead of a Pro League team.

They will engage Phoenix that finished sixth in the National bmobile Super League at the Dwight Yorke Stadium on January 28.

The technical staff now have the players in an intensified training programme as they strive to get them physically and match fit ready before their encounter.

The team boasts a number of quality players among them National Under 17 player Dario Holmes, midfielder Valdez Perez, speedy striker Chrislon Morgan, goalkeeper Keino Gardiner and Mikkel Gordon. The school has also invited six guest players for trials, four of whom will be selected to play according to concession granted for Secondary Schools.