
Sun, Jul


Maple defeated Malvern 3-1 at St Mary’s College Ground in St Clair on Sunday, but the result was not important as veteran footballers, young footballers and avid supporters of both clubs came out in their numbers to celebrate milestones of the legendary local clubs.

Maple celebrated its 100th anniversary on the day, while Malvern were celebrating 75 years in existence.

Selby Browne, president of the Veterans Footballers Foundation of Trinidad and Tobago and a long-standing member of Malvern, thanked everyone for making the day a memorable one.

“I want to thank all the members who came out to enjoy a day of nostalgia. The turnout included several former national captains such as Sedley Joseph (Maple) and Ulric ‘Buggy’ Haynes (Malvern),” Browne said.

Both clubs have a rich football history with Carlton “Squeakie” Hinds, Carlton “The General” Franco, Eddie Hart, Jackie Flemming, Everard “Gally” Cummings and Ulric Boxhill representing Malvern in the past. Paul Regis, Lincoln Roberts, Alvin Corneal and the Aleong brothers — Peter, Eddie and Andy are some of the top players who played for Maple.

In the 90-minute match, CEO of the TT Pro League Dexter Skeene, Corneal and Alvin “Peru” Anderson scored for Maple, while Lenard Lewis scored for Malvern.

Browne was pleased that the occasion allowed the younger generation of both clubs to interact with their predecessors.

“The event of nostalgia provided for several of the young footballers to meet and greet and enjoy some of the history from the veteran footballers.

Young female footballers also seized the opportunity to benefit from the wonderful exchanges. Hockey players and former cricketers including former Governor of the Central Bank Ainsworth Harewood who played for both Malvern and Maple were present.”