
Mon, Jul

Entice wins White Oak Soccer 6's title.

En­tice emerged as win­ners of the 20-par­ty com­mit­tees in­au­gur­al White Oak Soc­cer 6’s Caged Com­mit­tee Cup host­ed by Strict­ly FX at the Hase­ly Craw­ford Sta­di­um, Mu­cu­rapo on Mon­day, Sep­tem­ber 24 (Re­pub­lic Day).

In the fi­nal of the three-day com­pe­ti­tion which kicked off on Fri­day night at the same venue and con­tin­ued on Sat­ur­day be­fore Mon­day's play­offs, En­tice fought off the chal­lenge of

Dig­ni­tariez in com­fort­able fash­ion, 4-1 for the $10,000 in cash and $10,000 in ser­vices from Strick­ly FX while sec­ond-placed col­lect­ed $5,000 in cash and $5,000 in ser­vices

Ear­li­er on Mon­day when the quar­ter­fi­nals kicked off En­tice led by na­tion­al mid­field­er, Sean De Sil­va, the 'Most Valu­able Play­er' of the Tour­na­ment oust­ed Jou­vert Jum­beez 3-2, while Dig­ni­tariez in­spired by "Most Goals awardee Christo­pher Du­ri­ty stopped Cae­sar's Army 4-1.

In the semi­fi­nals, En­tice end­ed Fan­ta­sy's run 4-2 and while Dig­ni­taries over­came Bliss 3-1.

Bliss had dumped Il­lu­sions 1-0 and Fan­ta­sy boot­ed Air Com­mit­tee 5-2 in their re­spec­tive quar­ter­fi­nals.

Fan­ta­sy end­ed with the third place cash of $2,500 and the same amount in ser­vices cour­tesy a lop­sided 8-1 beat­ing of Bliss.

Sup­port­ers al­so had the op­por­tu­ni­ty to share in the soc­cer fren­zy with a va­ri­ety of off-field ac­tiv­i­ties and zones, such as kick & score, foot­ball dart, foot pool as well as an in­ter­ac­tive gam­ing area.

Tour­na­ment Group­ings

A: Green House Events, Il­lu­sions, Fan­ta­sy, Net­six & Chill, Red Ants

B: T&T En­ter­tain­ment Net­work, Air Com­mit­tee, Bliss, Goal eS­port Agency, Harts

C: Jou­vert Jum­beez, Dig­ni­tariez, Tribe, XO Night Life, FC CI­DI

D: En­tice, Cae­sar's Army, Red 96.7 FM, Yu­ma, Pure


Bliss 1 vs Dig­ni­tariez 3

En­tice 4 vs Fan­ta­sy 2

Third place

Fan­ta­sy 8 vs Bliss 1


En­tice 4 vs Dig­ni­tariez 1

In­di­vid­ual awards:

First Hat-trick: Lyn­don Luke (Air Com­mit­tee)

Best Goal­keep­er: Joel Ribeiro (Bliss)

Best Goal: Robert Boyd (Air Com­mit­tee)

Most Goals: Christo­pher Du­ri­ty (Dig­ni­tariez) – 10 goals

Most Valu­able Play­er: Sean De Sil­va (En­tice)