
Fri, Feb

Molino, Jones for Charity Cup match.

Ex-Liv­er­pool and Wigan goal­keep­er Chris Kirk­land is ex­pect­ed in for Sun­day’s Cream­ery Nov­el­ties Forty5 Char­i­ty Cup at the Ato Boldon Sta­di­um in Cou­va.

He will line up for the Can Bou Play Foun­da­tion along­side for­mer and present T&T foot­ballers Ken­wyne Jones, Yohance Mar­shall, Sean De Sil­va, Julius James, Ah­keela Mol­lon and Karyn Forbes against De­porti­vo Point Fortin.

The T&T Stars team will mean­while in­clude mid­field­er Kevin Moli­no, Jan-Michael Williams, Jo­evin Jones, Alvin Jones, Kimi­ka Forbes and cap­tain Hugh­tun Hec­tor.

The De­porti­vo Point Fortin team will boast of play­ers such as Wes­lie John, Justin Sadoo, An­drei Pacheco and An­dre Tou­s­saint, among many oth­ers.

De­po­ti­vo’s celebri­ty tech­ni­cal di­rec­tor and co­me­di­an Kee­van “Kee­vo” Lewis be­lieves his team has what it takes to take the ti­tle, say­ing he isn’t over­ly con­cerned with Can Bou Play gen­er­at­ing the most buzz in the build-up.

“I have no­ticed that the pop­u­lar vote goes to a cer­tain team,” said Kee­vo. “If they think they ‘Can­boulay’ De­porti­vo, they have thought wrong.”

He added, “I wish the oth­er team the best as well. A very fit­ting name, as stars are what they shall be see­ing all night. And no stars will align be­cause we have a unit­ed Can Bou Play, so pre­pare for a beat­ing my dear friends.” Lewis said.

Mean­while, the bright­est tal­ents from the Sec­ondary School’s Foot­ball League (SS­FL) will al­so have a chance to play along­side their he­roes if they are se­lect­ed through an on­line vot­ing com­pe­ti­tion to be draft­ed at the of­fi­cial NL­CB Draft for the Char­i­ty Cup.

The top six vot­ed SS­FL play­ers from a short­list of 21 will be placed in a draft pool with two SS­FL all-stars be­ing al­lo­cat­ed per team. Af­ter­wards, the fi­nal spots on each ros­ter will be filled by oth­er spe­cial­ly in­vit­ed play­ers and celebri­ties on Thurs­day.

All pro­ceeds from the event go to­wards the Can Bou Play Foun­da­tion’s so­cial pro­grammes in 2020, such as their Sport In Mind, Men­tal Health Pro­gramme and Mis­sion In­clu­sion vis­its to spe­cial needs schools.