
Fri, Sep


Eastern Football Association (EFA) presidential hopeful Keith Look Loy wants to have today's Annual General Meeting postponed for a couple days because of the limited state of emergency across selected areas of Trinidad.

The EFA AGM and election is due to take place from 7 p.m. tonight at the Centre of Excellence. Trinidad and Tobago Football Federation technical adviser Look Loy is challenging incumbent Lennox Watson for the position of EFA president. However, Look Loy is seeking a three-day postponement to Sunday. In a press release, Look Loy makes a case for the postponement.

"The government of Trinidad and Tobago has declared a limited state of emergency across selected areas of Trinidad, which includes much of the Eastern Football Association's area of jurisdiction. Said state of emergency includes a curfew between the hours of 9 p.m. and 5 a.m.

In the interest of our members' physical safety and, clearly, the democratic process that would be served by the fullest possible attendance of our clubs, I hereby request the postponement of the Annual General Meeting, including the election of officers, to Sunday, August 28, from 10 a.m. at the Mandela Hall, CONCACAF Centre of Excellence."

"I have twice now requested the outgoing executive to postpone the AGM to Sunday 28 August at 10 a.m. out of respect for democracy and personal safety. They have not responded other than to acknowledge my first request. "

Look Loy is also alleging that unfair means may be used to win the election.