
Fri, Jan


Faced with a com­bi­na­tion of poor at­ti­tude to­wards prepa­ra­tion by play­ers to an un­clear di­rec­tion by the man­age­ment of Matu­ra Re­Unit­ed, coach Travis Mul­raine has re­signed.

Mul­raine's Re­Unit­ed was knocked out of the T&T Su­per League's League Cup tour­na­ment on Sun­day af­ter a 2-3 loss to Pe­tit Val­ley/Diego Mar­tin Unit­ed on Sun­day. Mul­raine said he faced a prob­lem where there was al­ways a dif­fer­ent crop of play­ers at train­ing ses­sions as there was just an un­will­ing­ness to train. "We had one of the worst de­fence in the league, in fact I think we con­ced­ed the most goals to date, but what kept us from go­ing down was the fact that we scored a lot of goals. I was hop­ing to do some work on the de­fence but the play­ers just failed to show," Mul­raine said.

"Then there was a sit­u­a­tion where the spon­sor and the man­age­ment team could not see eye-to-eye on the di­rec­tion the team should move, so the spon­sor pulled out," Mul­raine ex­plained.

The for­mer Queen's Roy­al Col­lege (QRC) mid­field­er al­so had to deal with a sit­u­a­tion where he reached home well af­ter 10pm every night be­cause of long dis­tances he had to trav­el to train the team.

SOURCE: T&T Guardian