
Fri, Jan


Cunu­pia FC, Pe­tit Val­ley/Diego Mar­tin qual­i­fy

Bene­dict Bar­rett net­ted a dou­ble to lead Queen's Park Crick­et Club to a 5-1 de­mo­li­tion of North­ern Foot­ball As­so­ci­a­tion ri­vals, RSSR FC in their T&T Su­per League Cup quar­ter­fi­nal match played at St Mary's Col­lege Ground, Ser­pen­tine Road, St Clair on Sun­day.

Out-of-favour na­tion­al mid­field­er, Sean de Silva got the 'Parkites' on their way in the 15th minute, but Hakim Gul­ston drew RSSR FC lev­el nine min­utes lat­er be­fore Bar­rett got his first of the match on the stroke of half-time for a 2-1 lead.

Four min­utes af­ter the restart, Bar­rett ex­tend­ed the Parkites lead to 3-1 while Ke­ston George made cer­tain of vic­to­ry in the 57th minute fol­lowed by a fifth item to cap off a stel­lar dis­play from Ke­vaughn John in the 78th minute.

In Sun­day's two oth­er match­es, Cunu­pia FC got a goal six min­utes in­to time added on from Isa­iah Mejias to slip past Po­lice FC 2-1 at Ato Boldon Sta­di­um, Cou­va while Pe­tit Val­ley/Diego Mar­tin Unit­ed con­tin­ued its fairy-tale run with a 3-2 penal­ty-kicks win over high-fly­ing San Fer­nan­do Gi­ants af­ter a 0-0 dead­lock at St Mar­garet's Recre­ation Ground, San Fer­nan­do.

On Sat­ur­day at the Ari­ma Mu­nic­i­pal Sta­di­um, Ari­ma, FC San­ta Rosa se­cured the first semi­fi­nal spot at stake with a com­fort­able 3-0 de­feat of T&T Prison Ser­vice.

Noel Williams opened the scor­ing for San­ta Rosa in the 29th minute for the East­ern­ers to lead 1-0 at the half-time in­ter­val be­fore Akeem Gar­cia, and Kevon Corn­wall added sec­ond-half items in the 67th and 71st minute re­spec­tive­ly. League ac­tion will re­sume this week­end with de­fend­ing cham­pi­ons Guaya Unit­ed, who were knocked out of the Cup com­pe­ti­tion by Gi­ants host­ing Pe­tit Val­ley/Diego Mar­tin Unit­ed in one of two match­es on Sat­ur­day while ta­ble leader Queen's Park is in ac­tion on Sun­day at home Matu­ra Re­Unit­ed at St Clair.


On Au­gust 9

QPCC 5 (Sean De Sil­va 15th, Bene­dict Bar­rett 45th, 49th, Ke­ston George 57th, Ke­vaughn John 78th) vs RSSR FC 1 (Hakim Gul­ston 24th)

Cunu­pia FC 2 (Michael Darko 66th, Isa­iah Mejias 96th) vs Po­lice FC 1 (Col­in Williams 63rd)

San Fer­nan­do Gi­ants 0 vs Pe­tit Val­ley/Diego Mar­tin Unit­ed 0 – Pe­tit Val­ley/Diego Mar­tin won 3-2 on penal­ty-kicks

On Au­gust 8

FC San­ta Rosa 3 (Noel Williams 29th, Akeem Gar­cia 67th, Kevon Corn­wall 79th vs T&T Prison Ser­vice 0

Up­com­ing Su­per League match­es

On Sat­ur­day

Club San­do Cul­tur­al Roots Utd vs Erin FC, Dibe Recre­ation Grd, Long Cir­cu­lar, 6 pm

Guaya Unit­ed vs Pe­tit Val­ley/Diego Mar­tin Unit­ed, Guaya Recre­ation Grd, Guaya, 5pm

On Sun­day

Cunu­pia FC vs San Fer­nan­do Gi­ants, Lar­ry Gomes Sta­di­um, Mal­abar, 4pm

QPCC vs Matu­ra Re­Unit­ed, St Mary's Col­lege Ground, Ser­pen­tine Road, St Clair, 4pm

Bethel Unit­ed vs FC San­ta Rosa, Mt Gomery Grd, Mt Gomery, 6pm

RSSR FC vs UTT, Venue to be con­firmed

Po­lice FC vs T&T Prison Ser­vice, St James Po­lice Train­ing Bar­racks, St James, 4pm