
Fri, Jan


Ryan Stew­art net­ted a hat-trick, in­clu­sive of two penal­ties to help FC San­ta Rosa to a lop­sided 6-0 ham­mer­ing of RSSR FC in the T&T Su­per League Pre­mier Di­vi­sion at Ari­ma Mu­nic­i­pal Sta­di­um, Ari­ma on Sat­ur­day night.

Akeem Gar­cia opened the scor­ing for San­ta Rosa in the 26th minute and sev­en min­utes be­fore the half-time in­ter­val, Keron Clarke made it 2-0 be­fore Stew­art got his first from the penal­ty-spot minute lat­er for a com­fort­able 3-0 half-time cush­ion.

Eleven min­utes af­ter the restart, Stew­art dou­bled his tal­ly and ex­tend­ed the lead to 4-0 while Kevon Corn­wall added his name to the score-sheet in the 68th be­fore Stew­art com­plet­ed his hat-trick with six min­utes left in the match.

The win lift­ed San­ta Rosa to 40 points from 17 match­es, three more than Queen's Park Crick­et Club who faced third-placed Pris­ons Ser­vice yes­ter­day.

Down South, de­fend­ing cham­pi­ons Guaya Unit­ed got a dou­ble from tal­is­man, Car­lon Hugh­es in a 4-1 whip­ping of San Fer­nan­do Gi­ants.

Hugh­es fired Guaya in­to the lead in the 33rd minute, but with­in ten min­utes Dar­ron Alex­is put Gi­ants back on even terms at the Man­nie Ramjohn Sta­di­um, Mara­bel­la.

On the re­sump­tion, Shaquille Fer­ri­er fired in a quick dou­ble, in the 55th and 59th to take the game away from Gi­ants while Hugh­es net­ted his 12th of the sea­son to seal the is­sue in the 89th to car­ry Guaya to 29 points, one be­hind Pris­ons Ser­vice, and one ahead of Matu­ra Re­Unit­ed.

At the Uni­ver­si­ty of T&T, O'Meara Road, Cam­pus, Ari­ma, the hosts squan­dered a 4-1 lead be­fore hang­ing on for a 5-4 thrilling win over Matu­ra Re­Unit­ed.

Ak­il Clarke put UTT in front as ear­ly as the eighth minute fol­lowed by strikes from Cyra­no Glen (12th) and Michael Hold­er in the 22nd for a 3-0 ad­van­tage.

How­ev­er, Irvin Reyes pro­vid­ed Matu­ra Re­Unit­ed with some hope with a 25th item, on­ly for Hold­er to score again in the 44th for a 4-1 lead at the break.

Two min­utes in­to the sec­ond-half, Stevon Soute got a sec­ond for Matu­ra Re­Unit­ed and less than 60 sec­onds af­ter, Reyes notched his sec­ond for the vis­i­tors to trail 4-3.

With six min­utes left on the clock, Matu­ra Re­Unit­ed stunned the host by draw­ing lev­el through Kern Di­az.

But all their hard work was un­done two min­utes in­to time added-on as UTT forced an own goal from the vis­i­tors to snatch all three points in a top­sy-turvy bat­tle.

And in the day's oth­er match at Diego Mar­tin North Sec­ondary Ground, Pe­tit Val­ley/Diego Mar­tin Unit­ed got a much-need­ed win, 2-1 over Club San­do Cul­tur­al Roots Unit­ed.

Er­ic Charles and Ke­ston Bib­by-Cum­ming got a goal each to put Pe­tit Val­ley/Diego Mar­tin ahead be­fore Chris­ton Fre­itas net­ted a late con­so­la­tion for the vis­i­tors.

Sat­ur­day's Re­sults

FC San­ta Rosa 6 (Ryan Stew­art 39th pen, 56th pen, 84th, Akeem Gar­cia 26th, Keron Clarke 38th, Kevon Corn­wall 63rd) vs RSSR FC 0

UTT 5 (Michael Hold­er 22nd, 44th, Ak­il Clarke 8th, Cyra­no Glen 12th, o.g 92nd) vs Matu­ra Re­Unit­ed 4 (Irvin Reyes 25th, 48th, Stevon Stoute 47th, Kern Di­az 84th)

Guaya Unit­ed 4 (Car­lon Hugh­es 33rd, 89th, Shaquille Fer­ri­er 55th, 59th) vs San Fer­nan­do Gi­ants 1 (Dar­ron Alex­is 43rd)

Pe­tit Val­ley/Diego Mar­tin Unit­ed 2 (Er­ic Charles 33rd, Ke­ston Bib­by-Cum­mings 55th) vs Club San­do Cul­tur­al Roots 1 (Chris­ton Fre­itas 93rd)