
Fri, Jan


Nathan Julien reg­is­tered a beaver-trick as Prison Ser­vice FC twice came from be­hind to beat Queen’s Park Crick­et Club, 4-2 when com­pe­ti­tion in the T&T Su­per League con­tin­ued at Youth Train­ing Cen­tre, Ground, Arou­ca on Sun­day af­ter­noon.

With FC San­ta Rosa win­ning on Sat­ur­day, the onus was on the Parkites to pick up max­i­mum points as well to stay lev­el at the top.

In an ef­fort to keep pace the vis­i­tors got the per­fect start when Ke­ston George net­ted in the 18th minute for a 1-0 half-time lead.

Two min­utes af­ter the restart Julien drew his team lev­el with his first of his four, on­ly for Bene­dict Bar­rett to re­store the Parkites ad­van­tage in the 63rd.

How­ev­er, Julien would get his team even once more in the 69th minute and in the 73rd he com­plet­ed his hat-trick to put the hosts ahead 3-2.

Sev­en min­utes from full-time, Julien banged in a fourth item, his 14th of the sea­son to push the lead to 4-2, but with three min­utes left De­von Mod­este con­vert­ed a penal­ty to give the Parkites hopes of sal­vaging a point.

In the end, Prison Ser­vice held on for the stun­ning win to climb to 33 points from 17 match­es, in third spot, four be­hind Queen’s Park while its op­po­nent on Sun­day, FC San­ta Rosa leads with 40 points.

At the Lar­ry Gomes Sta­di­um, Mal­abar, Cunu­pia Fc got sec­ond-half strikes from Mikheil Pe­ters (75th) and Kevon Wood­ley, his league-lead­ing 16th in the 78th minute to blank Po­lice FC and move up to fourth with 30 points.

And over at Mt Gomery Ground, To­ba­go, Bethel Unit­ed got a goal each from Den­syl James, Jabari Mc Mil­lan and Kaleb Dou­glas in a 3-1 de­feat of Erin FC in a clash of cel­lar-placed teams.

The win lift­ed Bethel three places while Erin stayed root­ed at the base of the 14-team stand­ings.

Sun­day’s Re­sults

Cunu­pia 2 ( Mikheil Pe­ters 75th, Kevon Wood­ley 78th) vs Po­lice FC 0

Prison Ser­vice FC 4 (Nathan Julien 47th, 69th, 73rd, 83rd) vs QPCC 3 (Ke­ston George 18th, Bene­dict Bar­rett 63rd, De­von Mod­este 87th pen)

Bethel Unit­ed 3 (Den­syl James 25th, Jabari Mc Mil­lan 76th, Kaleb Dou­glas 81st) vs Erin FC 1 (Frae Ger­vais 42nd)

Up­com­ing Match­es

On Sat­ur­day

Club San­do Cul­tur­al Roots vs Prison Ser­vice, Dibe Recre­ation Ground, Long Cir­cu­lar, 6pm
Guaya Unit­ed vs Cunu­pia FC, Guaya Recre­ation Ground, 5pm
Erin FC vs UTT, Erin Recre­ation Ground, 6pm

On Sun­day

Matu­ra Re­Unit­ed vs Pe­tit Val­ley/Diego Mar­tin Unit­ed, Venue to be de­ter­mined
Po­lice FC vs Bethel Unit­ed, St James Po­lice Bar­racks, 4pm
RSSR FC vs San Fer­nan­do Gi­ants, Venue to be de­ter­mined
QPCC vs FC San­ta Rosa, St Mary’s Col­lege Ground, Ser­pen­tine Road, St Clair, 4pm