
Fri, Jan

Look Loy moves to oust Rigues.

Jame­son Rigues, the first vice pres­i­dent of the T&T Su­per League has giv­en his col­leagues on the Board - Kei­th Look Loy, Ed­die Dean, Ter­ry Joseph, Clay­ton Mor­ris and Col­in Mur­ray un­til to­day to with­draw a let­ter ac­cus­ing him of be­ing tardy, and of­fer an apol­o­gy.

Rigues said if his re­quest is not ac­ced­ed to, he will go the dis­tance to pro­tect his char­ac­ter, in­clud­ing seek­ing le­gal ac­tion.

Rigues, a rep­re­sen­ta­tive of Guaya Unit­ed, re­ceived a let­ter on Sat­ur­day from League sec­re­tary Pe­ter Thomas in which Board mem­bers com­plained about him breach­ing the code of con­fi­den­tial­ly by putting the busi­ness of the League in the pub­lic do­main. There were al­so ac­cu­sa­tions that Rigues reg­u­lar­ly missed Board meet­ings.

Con­tact­ed yes­ter­day Rigues said he checked his at­ten­dance record to con­firm that he had on­ly missed one Board meet­ing be­tween April 2018 to April 2019. He al­so rub­bished claims of a con­fi­den­tial breach, say­ing he has al­ways rep­re­sent­ed the in­ter­ests of the clubs, which did not sit too well with Look Loy, who is al­so the TTSL's rep­re­sen­ta­tive on the TTFA Board.

Rigues be­lieves there is an agen­da to get him off the TTSL Board and it is be­ing pushed by Look Loy. On­ly re­cent­ly Rigues said in a news­pa­per re­port that Looks Loy was not rep­re­sent­ing the in­ter­ests of the su­per league as the TTFA Board mem­ber and was rather en­gag­ing in a per­son­al war with foot­ball as­so­ci­a­tion pres­i­dent David John-Williams. "I do not care about the war with John-Williams as it did not ben­e­fit the TTSL," Rigues said.

Guardian Me­dia Sports learnt the let­ter came from a TTSL meet­ing on April 30 for which he ar­rived more than half-an-hour late, as he had to make a dar­ing trek from Guayaguayare to the of­fice of the Home of Foot­ball in Bal­main, Cou­va for 5 pm.

Rigues said, "I reached there at 5:38 pm and the meet­ing was done. That had to be the short­est meet­ing ever. I made some calls to find out if there was a quo­rum and was told that Mur­ray was con­tact­ed over the phone to make up a quo­rum." In at­ten­dance at the meet­ing were Look Loy, Mor­ris and Dean on­ly, Rigues ex­plained.

"I see this as an at­tempt to as­sas­si­nate my char­ac­ter and I will go the dis­tance to pro­tect it, in­clud­ing seek­ing le­gal ad­vice," Rigues said. Ac­cord­ing to Rigues, as the youngest mem­ber of the Board, he is nei­ther for or against Look Loy or John-Williams and on­ly wants to see the sport de­vel­ops. "With the cur­rent fight be­tween the two lead­ers of lo­cal foot­ball, it has been ham­per­ing growth and pre­vent­ing cor­po­rate cit­i­zens from get­ting in­volved. It has al­so seen be­ing de­stroyed on the field," Rigues said.

Look Loy when con­tact­ed said he had no com­ment to make on the mat­ter as it was the busi­ness of the Board.