
Fri, Feb


Kei­th Look Loy, pres­i­dent of the T&T Su­per League (TTSL) has re­spond­ed to claims by his vice pres­i­dent Jame­son Riques in this news­pa­pers that there are plans afoot to re­move him from of­fice.

Ac­cord­ing to a re­lease from Look Loy, "The TTSL Board is unan­i­mous­ly dis­ap­point­ed with Mr. Rigues' per­for­mance. That said, we ful­ly rec­og­nize that it is the TTSL mem­ber­ship which elect­ed him and that the Board can­not re­move him, which is not its in­ten­tion. He was sent a let­ter ex­press­ing "the dis­ap­point­ment" of his col­leagues. Nowhere was there men­tion or threat of him be­ing re­moved."

Riques, a rep­re­sen­ta­tive of Guaya Unit­ed, told us that re­ceived a let­ter on Sat­ur­day from League sec­re­tary Pe­ter Thomas in which Board mem­bers com­plained about him breach­ing the code of con­fi­dence by putting the busi­ness of the League in the pub­lic do­main and ac­cus­ac­tions he reg­u­lar­ly missed Board meet­ing.

The re­lease from Look Loy con­tin­ued, "Rigues has aligned him­self over the past year with mi­nor­i­ty el­e­ments with­in TTSL, who act as prox­ies for high of­fi­cials of ttfa. Un­op­posed for the post of 1st VP in the TTSL Board elec­tion of 2017, he has seen his sup­port dra­mat­i­cal­ly erod­ed by this non­sense. In the re­cent vote for two TTSL reps to the new T-LEAGUE Com­mis­sion, he got 5 of 18 votes - one of them ac­ci­den­tal­ly, as one club rep who vot­ed for him apol­o­gised for mak­ing an er­ror and at­tempt­ed to re­verse his vote, which was not al­lowed."

Fur­ther, "Re­gard­ing the sup­posed is­sue of con­fi­den­tial­i­ty, that is a faux is­sue. The re­al is­sue is that the good­ly gen­tle­man does not ta­ble mat­ters of his con­cern for Board dis­cus­sion. In­deed, he has nev­er pro­posed one mat­ter for in­clu­sion in a Board meet­ing agen­da. Then he goes to the mem­ber­ship and even the me­dia to raise mat­ters. To the con­trary, I speak out on mat­ters that I raise at TTFA Board lev­el, like the TTFA fi­nan­cial doc­u­ments is­sue, on­ly to be ig­nored."

The re­lease end­ed, "Ul­ti­mate­ly, this is a squall in a teacup. No­body wants to re­move Rigues. It wouldn't be worth the both­er and would be un­nec­es­sary. The TTSL Board, which in­cludes Clay­ton Mor­ris and Col­in Mur­ray, is very de­mo­c­ra­t­ic and Mr. Rigues's Board seat is safe. But there is pro­to­col to be fol­lowed."