
Fri, Jun

Brent Antoine scored with a minute left on the clock as Joe Public stunned defending champions WASA 1-0 to blow the National Super Football League race wide open yesterday.
WASA (52 points) went into the match knowing that a win over the Eastern Lions at the Marvin Lee Stadium, Macoya, would put them out of reach of their rivals on 55 points.

However, Antoine’s strike dashed their hopes of league title celebrations at Macoya and pushed Joe Public to 51 points, the same as the T&T Under-20’s with a match left for each team to complete their 24-match scheduled and one behind WASA.

On Sunday, the league title will be decided with Joe Public meeting Alcoa Carenage United at Chaguaramas, while Angostura 1976 Phoenix will entertain the T&T Under-20’s at Caanan, Bon Accord, both from 3.30 pm.

Should T&T Under-20’s and Joe Public draw their respective matches, WASA will win the league on a superior goal-difference.