
Fri, Jan


Care­nage Boys’ Gov­ern­ment School have all right to cel­e­brate af­ter they walked away win­ners of the Port-of-Spain and En­vi­rons Ed­u­ca­tion Dis­trict Pri­ma­ry School Un­der-15 Boys’ Cham­pi­onship on Fri­day.

The Care­nage-based unit, win­ners of the ti­tle on eight oc­ca­sions be­fore and three-time na­tion­al cham­pi­ons, de­feat­ed St Mar­garet’s Boy’s An­gli­can 3-0 thanks to a Keron Davis dou­ble and an own goal at the Hase­ly Craw­ford Sta­di­um, Mu­cu­rapo.

They will now move on to the quar­ter­fi­nal of the At­lantic-spon­sored Na­tion­al Pri­ma­ry Schools Foot­ball League which kicks off on No­vem­ber 5th at three venues in Trinidad and To­ba­go.

SOURCE: T&T Guardian