
Fri, Feb


In the fi­nal match of the Un­der-12 Boy's Di­vi­sion of the At­lantic Na­tion­al Pri­ma­ry School Foot­ball League Fi­nals, Port-of-Spain and En­vi­rons cham­pi­on New­town Boys RC trav­elled to To­ba­go and beat the To­ba­go cham­pi­on Bon Ac­cord 1-0 at Ply­mouth Recre­ation Ground in a thriller on Thurs­day.

The hero for the New­town Boy's team was Joshua Miguel who scored in the 17th minute of the match for the vic­tor.

In the Un­der-15 cat­e­go­ry in To­ba­go, Mont­gomery RC beat Ma­yaro RC 6-0 in the first match, in a very one-sided af­fair.

Scor­ing for the win­ner were Tyrel Fred­er­ick in the 11th and 18th min­utes, Tio Pe­ters (20th), Daniel Tay­lor (38th), Re­nal­do Tim­o­thy (48th) and Akeem Dun­can (75th).

In Trinidad, at the Hase­ly Craw­ford Sta­di­um, the Un­der-15 Boy's com­pe­ti­tion con­tin­ued. Port-of-Spain and En­vi­rons Un­der-15 cham­pi­on Care­nage Boy's Gov­ern­ment moved in­to the se­mi-fi­nal round with a 4-1 beat­ing of St Fran­cis - Cu­napo RC.

Nick­o­lai Lewis, Kay­den Davis, Jay­den De Gannes and Me­yard Pinero were on tar­get for Care­nage Boy's Gov­ern­ment. Mikel Brice scored a penal­ty for Cu­napo RC.

How­ev­er, at the Man­nie Ramjohn Sta­di­um in Mara­bel­la, Beach Camp con­tin­ued its march to the cham­pi­onship ti­tle with a 2-1 de­feat of Ari­ma Boys Gov­ern­ment. An­del Gabriel scored in the 19th minute be­fore Nekiel Au­gus­tus tied the score in the 44th minute. How­ev­er, Der­rel Gar­cia made it 2-1 in the 54th minute to put Beach Camp in­to the se­mi-fi­nal rounds.

In the sec­ond game of the dou­ble-head­er, En­ter­prise Gov­ern­ment which school teams have qual­i­fied for all the se­mi-fi­nal in every cat­e­go­ry, again won 2-0 over San Fer­nan­do Boy's RC. Again, the Out­ar broth­ers were on tar­get with Supreme scor­ing in the 12th minute be­fore Is­rael made it two-nil in the 46th minute of play.



Beach Camp 2 (A Gabriel, D Gar­cia) vs Ari­ma Boys 1 (N Au­gus­tus)
San Fer­nan­do Boys RC 0 vs En­ter­prise Gov­ern­ment 2 (S Out­ar, I Out­ar)
Care­nage 4 (N Lewis, K Davis, J De Gannes, M Pinero) vs Cu­napo RC 1 (M Brice penal­ty)
Mont­gomery Gov­ern­ment 6 (T Fred­er­ick 11th, 18th, T Pe­ters 20th, D Tay­lor 38th, R Tim­o­thy 48th, A Dun­can 75th) vs Ma­yaro RC 0.


New­town Boys RC 1 (J Miguel) vs Bon Ac­cord 0

SOURCE: T&T Guardian