
Sat, Feb


Scar­bor­ough RC School won its se­mi-fi­nal match in the At­lantic Na­tion­al Pri­ma­ry School Foot­ball League at the Ply­mouth Recre­ation in To­ba­go af­ter a 2-0 win over Vic­to­ria cham­pi­on Mon Re­pos RC on Mon­day.

Cap­tain Kimi­ah Mus­grave scored the open­ing goal in the eighth minute with a well-tak­en free-kick. Jer­mi­ma Gar­bar added the team’s sec­ond in the 13th minute to give the two-time de­fend­ing na­tion­al cham­pi­on a two-nil lead at half time.

Gabar and Ak­i­la Ac­coo had chances to get more goals in the sec­ond half but good de­fend­ing by Mon Re­pos’ Ja­da Ra­mouter kept them from scor­ing. Ak­i­la was im­pres­sive play­ing on the left-hand side. The small-frame play­er elud­ed many of her taller op­po­nents with her speed. She was lat­er named the "Play­er of the Match".

In the sec­ond se­mi-fi­nal match, which was played at the ML Ball Park in Ma­coya, the St George East cham­pi­on Mal­oney Gov­ern­ment edged En­ter­prise gov­ern­ment 1-0 in a thriller. Jeni­cia Thomas was on tar­get for the vic­tors in the 20th minute of the match.

Reign­ing cham­pi­on Scar­bor­ough RC will meet Mal­oney Gov­ern­ment School in the Un­der 15 Fi­nal at the Hase­ly Craw­ford Sta­di­um in Mu­cu­rapo.


Un­der-15 Girls
En­ter­prise Gov­ern­ment 0 vs Mal­oney Gov­ern­ment 1 (J Thomas)
Scar­bor­ough RC 2 (K Mus­grave, J Gabar) vs Mon Re­pos 0

To­day's Fix­tures

Un­der-15 Boys (Man­nie Ramjohn Sta­di­um, Mara­bel­la)
Beach Camp vs Care­nage Boys, 10 am
En­ter­prise Gov't vs Mont­gomery Gov't, 11.15 am

SOURCE: T&T Guardian