
Wed, Jun


SWO is seeking $upport for Akeem.The Soca Warriors Online (SWO) is once again asking all of its members and followers to come onboard and make a contribution to help one of T&T's fallen comrade.

On September 25th, 2013, Trinidad and Tobago international Akeem Adams suffered a massive heart-attack and remains in critical condition at the Városmajori Heart Clinic in Budapest, Hungary. Pál Orosz, Ferencváros TC Managing Director confirmed that Adams blood circulation is started by an artificial heart, but he remains in serious condition. It's possible that he will need a heart transplant.

Only twenty-two years of age, Adams moved to Hungary this past August where he signed a one-year deal with Ferencvarosi TC, the former Club of fellow national teammate, Jan-Michael Williams and former W Connection players Aaron Downing and Matthew Bartholomew.

Williams himself has also benefitted from the support of the SWO/WN members, when back in May 2012 we successfully contributed $5,000 dollars to help with the recovery of his fiancée, Candice Worrell who was literally left fighting for her life at the St Clair Medical Centre after being beaten and robbed.

SWO in collaboration with the Warrior Nation (WN) has also successfully rallied in support of children throughout Trinidad and Tobago with its annual Christmas Holiday food drive, donating food and other items to various orphan homes.

Today, we plead with the general public and the Sports Minister to help make T&T a better place and hope the powers that be can form some sort of Trust Account where athletes who are in need can find some assistance.

For too long athletes in this country have been left to fend on their own when disaster strikes, while millions are being spent on wasteful projects and otherwise squandered around the country. Athletes have very short careers and rely on athletics to make a living.  Most give their all to represent the country and must be better rewarded in return. Instead of giving one person millions for winning a Gold Medal, we should look at ways to improve the way we do things and to make sports more suitable, enjoyable and affordable.

Adams meanwhile, has only just returned to the professional circuit after being absent for a while, did enjoy a stint with T&T Pro team Central FC last season. It has been a trying time for the player and his family, having lost his father, Renwick Adams, (at age 51) almost exactly three years ago.

In addition to having played 9 times for his country's senior team, Adams has played for many teams including; T&T Under-20 and Under-17 teams respectively, Central FC, W Connection, United Petrotrin and now Ferencvarosi TC.

Ferencvarosi TC have been doing a lot of work to help the player and in addition to blood donations among other thing, they have paid the way for his brother Akini Adams, goalkeeper of Point Fortin Civic FC and his mother Ancilla Adams to fly over to be with Akeem.  Let us all step up and do what we can to support as well.

Donations can be made Here.